Policy: Section VII

VII. Resources

Bates is committed to treating all members of the community with dignity, care, and respect. Any Bates community member who experiences or is affected by bias, discrimination, harassment, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexual harassment, sexual violence, stalking or intimate partner violence, whether as a Complainant, a Respondent, or a third party, will have equal access to support and counseling services through the college. [1]  Supportive measures as described below and in Section IX are available to all parties.  A formal complaint is not required to access this support.

The college recognizes that deciding whether to make a report, either to the college or law enforcement, and choosing how to proceed can be difficult decisions. The college encourages all individuals affected by any form of harassment or discrimination to seek the support of campus and community resources. These professionals can provide guidance in making decisions, information about available resources and procedural options, and assistance to any party in the event that a complaint and/or resolution under this policy is pursued. Individuals are encouraged to use all available resources on and off campus, regardless of when or where the incident occurred.

Bates is committed to providing a comprehensive and integrated prevention, education, and awareness program that attends to the multifaceted dynamics of bias, discrimination, and harassment. The college strives to create a non-discriminatory and harassment-free living, learning, and working environment for all members of the Bates community, including students, staff, faculty, and visitors. The Vice President for Equity and Inclusion (VPEI) coordinates all college equity and inclusion education and prevention programs and develops initiatives to respond to campus needs and climate. The Associate Vice President for Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance/Title IX Coordinator (Title IX Coordinator) collaborates with the VPEI, particularly in regard to education, prevention programming, and other initiatives related to sexual harassment  and other discrimination based on gender.

[1]  Hereafter in this section the umbrella terms “discrimination” and “harassment” will be used to capture all of these categories.

A. Awareness and Prevention of Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment

All incoming students and new employees will receive primary prevention and awareness programming as part of their orientation. Returning students and employees will receive ongoing training and education on a periodic basis.

Educational, developmental, and responsive programs that address bias, racism, homophobia and other areas of discrimination based on identity are facilitated by the Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Student Center for Belonging and Community, and Student Affairs. The VPEI oversees the assessment of community and individual needs generally and works with the Office of Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance and others across campus to identify appropriate action and response.

Educational programs focused on sexual harassment include an overview of the college’s policies and procedures, relevant definitions of prohibited conduct, discussion of the impact of alcohol and illegal drug use, effective consent, safe and positive options for bystander intervention, and information about risk reduction. The Title IX Coordinator oversees the education and prevention calendar and tailors programming to campus needs and climate. All educational programs include a review of resources and reporting options available for students, faculty, and staff.

B. Emergency Support and Response Services

Bates encourages all community members to seek assistance from a medical provider and/or law enforcement as soon as possible after an incident of violence, including sexual violence. This often is the best option to provide immediate physical safety, emotional support, and medical care. It also may help to ensure preservation of evidence and to begin a timely investigative and remedial response. The college will escort any Bates community member to a safe place, provide transportation to the hospital, assist in coordination with law enforcement, and provide information about the college’s resources and reporting processes.

Assistance is available from Bates Campus Safety and Security and local law enforcement 24 hours a day, year-round, by calling Bates Campus Safety and/or the Lewiston Police Department. Any individual can request that a member of Bates Campus Safety and/or Lewiston Police Department respond and take a report. An officer from the Lewiston Police Department can meet with a student or employee on campus at whatever location they are most comfortable. Bates Campus Safety will provide transportation upon request to a medical center or the police department.

More detailed information about filing a criminal complaint can be found on the Bates Here to Help webpage.

Contact Information for Emergency Response Services


Bates Campus Safety
207-786-6111 (emergency) or 207-786-6254 (non-emergency)

Lewiston Police Department

C. Medical Resources

A medical provider can provide emergency and/or follow-up medical services. The medical exam has two goals: first, to diagnose and treat the full extent of any injury or physical effect and second, to properly collect and preserve evidence.

In cases of sexual violence, the forensic exam may include testing and prophylactic treatment for HIV/AIDS, STIs, and pregnancy; a thorough physical examination, which includes the genital and/or anal area; and a blood draw. There is a limited window of time (typically 72-96 hours) following an incident of sexual assault to preserve physical and other forms of evidence. Taking the step to gather evidence immediately does not commit an individual to any particular course of action. The decision to seek timely medical attention and gather any evidence, however, will preserve the full range of options to seek resolution under this policy or through the pursuit of criminal prosecution.  Filing a report with local law enforcement is not required to get a forensic exam.  More detailed information regarding Sexual Assault Foresic Exams can be found on the Bates Here to Help webpage.

On campus, Bates Health Services (BHS) can provide medical care to students during regular business hours.  While a nurse is available to talk with anyone who has questions about forensic examinations, , BHS is not equipped to perform forensic examinations. The Complainant has the option — and is encouraged – to go to Central Maine Medical Center (CMMC) for care and to have evidence collected.  CMMC provides forensic exams and is the preferred local medical center for those seeking sexual assault forensic examinations. Bates Campus Safety will provide transportation upon request to CMMC.

Lewiston Family Planning can also provide routine and on-going medical care.  As part of the Maine Family Planning network, this clinic provides specialized care for sexual and reproductive health to individuals of all genders.  Lewiston Family Planning employs providers who specialize in transgender health services as well.

The Bates Confidential Resource Advisor (CSA) or an advocate from Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services (SAPARS) is available to accompany individuals to access off-campus resources.

Conversations with health care professionals are confidential and governed by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

Contact Information for Medical Services

Bates Health Services
31 Campus Avenue | 207-786-6199
9 am-5 pm Monday-Friday during academic year
Treatment of injuries, emergency contraception, and STI testing and treatment.

Central Maine Medical Center (CMMC)
300 Main Street, Lewiston  |  207-795-2200
24-hour Emergency Department
Treatment of injuries, emergency contraception, and STI testing and treatment.  Sexual Assault Forensic Examiners are available to provide forensic exams and collect physical evidence for future use.

Lewiston Family Planning
179 Lisbon Street, Lewiston  |  207-795-4007
Limited hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Provide specialized care for sexual and reproductive health to individuals of all genders, including transgender health services.

D. Confidential Support

While Bates encourages all community members to make a prompt report of any incident of bias, harassment, or discrimination, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, and sexual harassment or violence, to the college or local law enforcement, the college understands that deciding whether or not to file a report can be difficult. For individuals who are not prepared to make a report, or who may be unsure what happened, but are still seeking information and support, there are several confidential resources on campus and in the local community, including counseling and support services.

Individuals affected by any type of discrimination or harassment may want to consult with someone in a confidential manner without making a report to the college or filing an official complaint. The trained professionals listed in this section are designated as confidential and may not share information about a patient/client (including whether or not that individual has received services) without the individual’s expressed consent unless there is imminent danger to the patient/client or other community members, or as otherwise required by law. They may, however, submit non-identifying information about the incident for the purposes of making a statistical report under the Clery Act, as described in Section IV.

a. On Campus Confidential Support

Bates Counseling and Psychological Services
31 Campus Avenue | 207-786-6200
Provides comprehensive mental health care, including both crisis and therapeutic counseling for students.

Bates Ombuds Program
Provides assistance to staff and faculty seeking appropriate paths to resolving workplace concerns, including a review of options for informal resolutions. *Please note while Ombuds are confidential under college policies, they do not have legal privilege and, therefore, may be required to disclose information shared with them in civil or criminal legal proceedings.

Multifaith Chaplaincy
Brittany Longsdorf and Raymond Clouthier
163 Wood Street, 2nd Floor | 207-786-8272 |  blongsdo@bates.edu and rclothier@bates.edu
Provides individualized emotional and spiritual support through pastoral care and conversation.

Student Center for Belonging and Community
Dri Huber, Assistant Dean and Director of First Generation Programs, Student Center for Belonging and Community

Chase Hall, Room 151 |  207-755-5981    | dhuber@bates.edu

Provides individualized support and assistance to students who have experienced discrimination and/or harassment and are seeking information regarding resources and resolution options.  *Please note while Dean Huber is confidential under college policies, they do not have legal privilege and, therefore, may be required to disclose information shared with them in civil or criminal legal proceedings.

Confidential Resource Advisor (CRA) previously known as Sexual Assault Victim Advocate (SAVA)
Position Currently Open
207753-6996  |  cra@bates.edu
Provides information, advocacy, and support to anyone affected by sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, or stalking.  Can assist with navigating local medical and legal systems and with safety planning.

b. Off Campus Confidential Support


Employee Assistance Program (EAP) — Aetna Resources for Living
www.resourcesforliving.com | 888-238-6232 |  User ID: 4bates; ID = bwell
Provides free, confidential counseling services to Bates employees to help address a variety of personal issues. Staffed 24/7 by qualified mental health professionals available to listen to concerns and make referrals to a local provider for in person counseling or to resources in your community.

Immigrant Resource Center of Maine
265 Lisbon Street, Suite 2, Lewiston  |  207-753-0061  |  www.ircofmaine.org
Provides culturally and linguistically sensitive services to the refugee and New Mainer communities, including interpreter services; domestic violence, sexual assault, and trafficking support and advocacy; and system advocacy.

Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault
24-hour hotline:  800-871-7741  |  mecasa.org
Statewide coalition of sexual assault victim service providers.  Access to advocates via hotline or online chat or text.

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence
24-hour hotline: 866-834-HELP  |  www.mcedv.org
A confidential statewide hotline for survivors of domestic abuse and violence staffed by trained professionals and volunteers.

Safe Voices (Domestic Violence)
24-hour helpline: 800-559-2927  |  safevoices.org
A confidential domestic violence helpline staffed by trained, caring and confidential advocates. Provides individual support, legal advocacy, support groups, and shelter for survivors of domestic abuse. Located in Lewiston.

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Services (SAPARS)
24-hour helpline: 800-871-7741  |  www.sapars.org
A confidential sexual assault helpline staffed by trained, caring and confidential advocates. An advocate can meet with an individual at the Bates Health Services or other campus location, escort or meet an individual at the hospital, assist someone filing a police report, or help navigate the legal system. Located in Lewiston.

Tri-County Mental Health Services
24-hour crisis line: 888-568-1112  |  888-344-4673  |  www.tcmhs.org
Local, confidential mental health care from licensed professionals.  Providing trauma-informed, integrated services that promote whole health and wellness.

Wabanaki Women’s Coalition
Provides contact and services information for domestic violence, sexual assault and sex trafficking advocacy organizations for all five Wabanaki tribes.


A free and anonymous 24-hour online helpline for male-identified people who’ve experienced sexual abuse or assault and for those who care about them.

Online resources for transgender and gender non-conforming survivors of violence and their allies, including assistance with referrals to local therapists who specialize in working with transgender individuals.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
24-hour helpline: 800-799-7233  |  www.thehotline.org
A confidential domestic violence hotline staffed by highly-trained advocates available to talk confidentially with anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.

Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN)
24-hour helpline: 800-656-4673  |  www.rainn.org
The nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.  Free, confidential support via its national sexual assault hotline.  Advocates are available via hotline or the chat function on their website.

The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC)
Provides online resources to victims of stalking, including information about how to connect to victim services and safety planning.

E. Private Resources and Reporting Options

a. On Campus Reporting Options

In addition to the confidential resources listed above, Bates community members have access to a variety of private resources provided by the college. The individuals listed below can a) provide information regarding the college’s policies and procedures; b) assist in accessing other support services; and c) help arrange for supportive measures or other remedies. While not bound by confidentiality, these resources will maintain the privacy of an individual’s information within the limited circle of those who need to know to assist with providing support services or resolving a report.

The professionals listed below are trained to support individuals affected by bias, discrimination, and harassment based on any measure of identity, including racism, homophobia, sexual harassment, and sexual violence, and to coordinate with the Title IX Coordinator consistent with the college’s commitment to a safe and healthy educational and work environment. Title IX Team members have additional robust training in supporting those individuals reporting sexual harassment, including sexual assault, stalking, and domestic and dating violence; Bias Response Team Members are particularly attuned to issues of racism, homophobia, and bias based upon other protected classes.


Associate Vice President for Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance, Gwen Lexow
Lane Hall 202-A | 207-786-6445 |  glexow@bates.edu

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics, Celine Cunningham
Senior Associate Athletic Director
Alumni Gym | 207-786-6342  |  ccunning@bates.edu

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Faculty,  Don Dearborn
Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Biology
Lane Hall 120 | 207-786-6107  |  ddearbor@bates.edu

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Staff and Visitors

Hope Burnell
Assistant Vice President for Human Resources
215 College Street | 207-786-8388  |  hburnell@bates.edu

Patty Rooney

Human Resources Director
215 College Street | 207-786-6935  |  prooney@bates.edu

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Students, Andee Bucciarelli
Associate Director of Residence Life for Health Education
Chase Hall, Room 0001E | 207-786-6215  |  abucciar@bates.edu


Director of Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance/Title IX Coordinator, Gwen Lexow
Lane Hall 202-A | 207-786-6445 |  glexow@bates.edu

Vice President for Equity and Inclusion, Leana Amaez
Lane Hall 201 |  207-786-6031 |  lamaez@bates.edu

Assistant Vice President for Human Resources, Hope Burnell
215 College Street | 207-786-8388  |  hburnell@bates.edu

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Malcolm Hill
Lane Hall 210 | 207-786-6066  |  mhill@bates.edu

Dean of Students, Erin Foster Zsiga
Chase Hall, Room 007A | 207-786-6220  |  efoster@bates.edu


Bates Campus Safety
Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
245 College Street | 207-786-6254
Emergency: 207-786-6111

Residence Life Staff
In houses and residence halls

b. Off Campus Reporting Options

Reports concerning the application of this policy may also be directed to the following government agencies:

Maine Human Rights Commission
#51 State House Station, 19 Union Street, Augusta, ME 04333
207-624-6290  |  TTY:  Maine Relay 711  |  Request@mhrc.maine.gov

Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-1100
800-421-3481  |  TTY: 800-877-8339  |  OCR@ed.gov

Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education — Boston Office
5 Post Office Square, 8th Floor, Boston, MA 02109-3921
617-289-0111  |  ocr.boston@ed.gov

Employees may also contact:

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
131 M Street, NE, Washington, DC 20507
800-669-4000  |  TTY: 800-669-6820  |  ASL Video: 844-234-5122  |  info@eeoc.gov

United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission — Boston Office
JFK Federal Building, 15 New Sudbury Street, Room 475, Boston, MA 02203-0506
800-669-4000  |  TTY: 800-669-6820  |  ASL Video:  844-234-5122

F. Additional Community Resources

Students, faculty, and staff members may also access additional off campus resources for assistance in working with the civil or criminal justice system. Off-campus resources will not notify the college of their report without the Complainant’s consent.

American Civil Liberties Union — Maine
207-774-5444  |  aclumaine.org
Maine affiliate of the national civil liberties organization.  Provides information, advocacy, and legal representation for those seeking to understand or secure their civil rights.  Priority issues include criminal justice reform, reproductive freedom, racial justice, immigrants’ rights, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, voting rights, freedom of expression, freedom of speech and religion, and privacy.

Androscoggin County District Attorney
Androscoggin County Courthouse, 2 Turner Street, Auburn  |  207-783-7311  www.androscoggincountymaine.gov/DA/DA.htm
Responsible for the prosecution of criminal complaints in Androscoggin County.

Maine Crime Victims’ Compensation Program
Office of the Attorney General, 6 State House Station, Augusta
207-624-7882 | 800-903-7882  |  www.maine.gov/ag/crime/victims_compensation/
State program offering financial assistance for victims of violent crimes occurring in Maine, including paying cost for sexual assault forensic examination.