Student Research
A distinctive characteristic of a Bates education is the emphasis on student research. At Bates every student is a scholar: We expect students to develop the skills and background they need to undertake ambitious research projects. Opportunities throughout a Bates career introduce students to research so that by senior year, they have the confidence and expertise to embark on a senior thesis or capstone project, guided by committed faculty mentors.
Student Research Overview and FAQs
Research Grants
Research takes lots of time and, often, money. Bates offers financial support for students conducting research during the academic year and the summer. Click below for links to the many grant programs that support student research:
Research Ethics
It is critical to develop a sound ethical platform for any research. Students are reminded that the use of animal or human subjects in research is over seen by faculty committees. Click below for more information:
- Institutional Review Board (IRB):
Research Involving Human Subjects - Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Taking It to the Next Level
Students are encouraged to present their work and hundreds do so at the annual Mount David Summit. In the Honors Program, selected seniors undertake yearlong thesis research and prepare an oral defense for specialists in their field. Students with strong academic records are also encouraged to compete for prestigious graduate fellowships like the Rhodes, Fulbright, Marshall, and Watson. Click below for information on these programs.