FAQ: Audio Recording Class Content

What does an accommodation to audio record class content mean?

Students may be granted an accommodation by the Office of Accessible Education to be able to audio record class content if it is determined that this helps address a disability access issue.  In that case, students will be permitted to audio record class content in instances when other students are permitted to take notes.

How will instructors be notified of this accommodation?

Prior to the student’s ability to audio record class content, instructors will receive an accommodation(s) notification email from the Office of Accessible Education, and the student will sign this audio recording agreement form which outlines the expectations of use.

Do instructors need to notify other students in the class?

In the case of a disability related accommodation, in the state of Maine, students do not need to obtain permission from the instructor or from the classmates in order to audio record classroom content to help facilitate equal access to the student’s participation in the course.