Makeup Exam Requests
Prior to submitting your makeup exam request, please review the college’s policy for making up exams.
Please note that qualifying absences for makeup exams include those related to NCAA athletic competitions, observance of a significant religious holiday, illness, severe medical or psychological issues, personal emergencies, and debate competitions. For absences that fall outside of these categories, arrangements must be made directly between the student and instructor to make up the exam. All students who need to makeup an exam due to illness must receive clearance from Bates Health Services prior to submitting your makeup exam request.
While we make every effort to proctor as scheduled, there may be unforeseen circumstances that require tests to be rescheduled unexpectedly (e.g. inclement weather, emergencies). Should this occur and a substitute proctor is unavailable, Accessible Education will contact by email all students scheduled to test that day and their faculty as soon as possible to let them know of the change and how to reschedule for the next available date.
Makeup Exam Request Form
Prior to scheduling a makeup exam, please first communicate with your professor to agree upon a makeup exam date and time. Once you have done so, please complete the following form.
If your request is approved, please keep in mind the following guidelines applying to students taking an exam with the Office of Accessible Education.
Only take what you need, and are approved to have by your professor, for the exam.
All other belongings must remain here including*:
- Bags
- Jackets
- Phones (on silent please), Smart Watches, other internet enabled devices
- Calculator Covers
- Hats
- Pencil boxes/cases
*We reserve the right to ask you to leave behind other non-essential items that are not listed above.
Late Arrival /No show Guidelines:
- All exams will start at your scheduled time. Late arrival will not extend your scheduled end time; you will be given the remaining time after you arrive to complete the exam.
- Late arrival or no show will require a dean’s notice and faculty approval to reschedule.