Every Bobcat is unique…

…and so is their connection to Bates. Worldwide, there are more than 24,000 Batesies pursuing their dreams, making a difference, and giving back to their communities. Our alumni are united across generations by the time they spent here in Lewiston, and by the education that prepared them for great things.

Learn how you can connect with your fellow Bobcats and engage with Bates through events, professional networking, and volunteer opportunities.

No matter where your life outside the den is, you’re never too far from the Bates community.

Groups of alumni posing for a photo
photomontage of students at bates

Find community through new and old connections with classmates, faculty, staff, and groups.

Make an impact as one of the more than 2,200 alumni who volunteer their time, talent, and resources to the college.

some students and alumni posing for a group photo in a conference atmosphere
the gateway to the quad with sun through the trees

Explore the variety of resources, tools, and information that are available to you.

Early summer evening on campus.Bridget Tweedie '21 of Brownfield, Maine, and Ross Ackerman ’19 of Houston, Texas, hang outside of Pettigrew Hall on Alumni Walk after a day of research with Professor of Biology Don Dearborn..They’re on campus this summer to study the avian immune system of Leach’s storm-petrels..Summer reading takes many forms. Tweedie dips into Tolkien’s “The Hobbit,” while Ackerman explores "Investing 101” by Michele Cagan.

Bobcat Connection: Your Monthly Dose of Bates Life!

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