[WATCH THE RECORDING] Designing an Encore Career
Bates College + Lighthouse Career Associates Present a New Virtual Professional Development Program Series!
Designing an Encore Career
So, what are you going to do when you grow up retire?
If 60 is the new 50, then encore careers are the new retirement. Applying design thinking and materials from the best-selling book, Designing Your Life (Burnett and Evans), we’ll build a base from your “now” and begin to “wayfind” options to, and through, this next stage of your life. Bring your imagination to this program!
Although this program is primarily for “those of a certain age,” anyone wondering “Is this all there is?” may find value in participating!
To prepare for, and get the most from, the workshop, please make the time to watch this YouTube recording.
It’s a 25-minute presentation by Bill Burnett, co-author of “Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-lived, Joyful Life.” The content of Bill’s talk will lay the groundwork for the workshop so that you might design two possible Odyssey Plans for the next stage of your life.
About the Presenter
Anne Shields ’80
Before beginning her encore career by launching Lighthouse Career Coaching and Lighthouse Career Associates, Anne led the Bowdoin, Carleton, Davidson, and Carnegie Mellon career centers and served in several positions in alumni relations/advancement at the University of Rochester.
In these roles, Anne developed strategic plans, redesigned staffing structures, and increased the effectiveness of programs and services. A seasoned manager, Anne has led teams to higher levels of performance and cohesiveness. A frequent presenter, she has spoken at more than a dozen conferences. A skilled facilitator, she has guided hundreds of career and leadership workshops, and scores of strategic management retreats with educational and non-profit organizations. An experienced career coach, she has supported thousands of people in discovering their strengths, setting their directions, and achieving their goals. Anne earned her BA (History) at Bates College and MS (Student Affairs/Higher Education) at Western Illinois University. She is certified to coach (ICF) and administer the MBTI, Strong, and FIRO-B.
Learn more about the Bates partnership with alumna-owned Lighthouse Career Associates. The programs offer learning opportunities for alumni to enhance their professional development at any career stage.