Bates Alumni at the Azalea Gardens
2391 Kingstown Rd
Kingston, RI 02881
Join us for a delight of the senses with Bates Alumni as we gather at the Kinney Azalea Gardens during the springtime bloom. Stroll the gardens and reconnect with fellow Batesies over memories from your time at Bates.
About the Kinney Azalea Gardens
Sponsored by the Phillips Society, this gathering offers a unique opportunity in an enchanting setting. The Kinney Azalea Garden was established by Lorenzo Kinney Jr., and expanded and protected by his daughter Betty Kinney Faella ‘51 and her husband Antonio Faella P’74. Dr. Susan Gordon ’82 is the gardens’ consulting horticulturist and former garden manager. The Friends of the Kinney Faella Gardens will provide us with a walking tour of the 6-acre blooming garden. Take advantage of this occasion to engage with Bates among the garden blooms and create lasting connections with Bates alumni and friends.
Parking Details:
- Parking at the Gardens is limited. Park along the shoulders of Kingstown Road (Route 108) or next door in the lot of the Christ United Methodist Church.
Take advantage of this occasion to engage with Bobcats among the garden blooms and create lasting connections.