[WATCH RECORDING] Grad School: Now, Later or Never?
Alumni Professional Development Webinar Program
This question comes up for many Bates alums – a year, or two, or a few after graduation. Pesky at first, then more persistent, we wonder when (or if) heading back to school is the right decision for us. After all, most of us always assumed we would pick up another degree at some point.
Is now the right time? If not now, when? You’ll leave the program with a framework for deciding, information to weigh as you do, and tips for becoming a more competitive applicant.
About the Presenter:
Anne Shields ’80, P’18
Before beginning her encore career by launching Lighthouse Career Coaching and Lighthouse Career Associates, Anne led the Bowdoin, Carleton, Davidson, and Carnegie Mellon career centers and served in several positions in alumni relations/advancement at the University of Rochester. In these roles, Anne developed strategic plans, redesigned staffing structures, and increased the effectiveness of programs and services. An experienced career coach, she has supported thousands of people in discovering their strengths, setting their directions, and achieving their goals. A seasoned manager, Anne has led teams to higher levels of performance and cohesiveness. A frequent presenter, she has spoken at more than a dozen conferences. A skilled facilitator, she has guided hundreds of career and leadership workshops, and scores of strategic management retreats with educational and non-profit organizations.
Anne earned her BA (History) at Bates College and MS (Student Affairs/Higher Education) at Western Illinois University. She is certified to coach (ICF) and administer the MBTI, Strong, and FIRO-B.
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