[WATCH THE RECORDING]: Making Meetings Matter
Alumni Professional Development Webinar Program
Bad meetings. They can be aggravating to a point of being painful. They are so common that 71% of senior managers in a related survey reported that they viewed meetings as unproductive. Meetings, whether in person or remote, derail for a variety of reasons; some of them are completely unnecessary. We dream of eliminating them, but they are deemed essential for team coordination and collaboration.
As the convener, you can use the strategies provided in this session to fix what’s broken, jumpstart your team toward its goals, and minimize time waste. Beyond getting practical advice for eliminating common derailers, you’ll learn about an alternative system that breaks the mold of “the way we always hold meetings.”
About the Presenter:
Anne Shields ‘80, P’18
Before beginning her encore career by launching Lighthouse Career Coaching and Lighthouse Career Associates, Anne Shields led the Bowdoin, Carleton, Davidson, and Carnegie Mellon career centers. She served in several alumni relations/advancement positions at the University of Rochester. A frequent presenter, she has spoken at more than a dozen conferences.
A skilled facilitator, Anne has guided hundreds of career and leadership workshops and scores of strategic management retreats with educational and non-profit organizations. An experienced career coach, she has supported thousands of people in discovering their strengths, setting their directions, and achieving their goals. Anne earned her BA (History) at Bates College and MS (Student Affairs/Higher Education) at Western Illinois University. She holds ICF certification.
Learn more about the Bates Alumni Professional Development. Find recommendations for career coaches from within our alumni network, tune in for virtual trainings, and connect with current students and fellow alumni through several forms of career services and volunteer opportunities.