Whether you are searching for career development, grants, transcripts or a fellow alum, we have tools to help you find what you need.
But first, don’t forget to update your contact information with us! We will keep you connected to Bates and share news about events, campus updates and more.
Barlow Travel Grant
Learn more about the Barlow Alumni Travel Grant, which awards up to $3,500 to fund travel abroad by a Bates alumnus or alumna involved in K–12 education.
Pomeroy Fund Scholarship
The Harriet M. and Fred E. Pomeroy Fund Scholarship is a post-graduate scholarship for all alumni currently enrolled in a health-related professional or graduate program.

Requests & Announcements
Your one-stop resource for requesting new alumni ID’s, sharing announcements, requesting a Bates banner for your event, and more!
In Memorial
This page is updated regularly as a dedication to the memory of members of the Bates community who recently passed away.

Bates Center for Purposeful Work
Discover opportunities to hire Bates interns, offer job shadows, or even participate in a Spotlight Speaking series.