The Clean Water Act at 50: Community Perspectives

Wednesday, October 26th, 7pm
Pettengill G52 (Keck), 4 Andrews Road, Lewiston, Maine
The Clean Water Act turns 50 this month. To commemorate this landmark piece of legislation, the Muskie Archives is hosting a panel discussion on “The Clean Water Act at 50: Community Perspectives.” Rather than a retrospective of legislative events of the 1970s, we are bringing together a panel representing a range of perspectives and experiences on the current state of water in Maine. From water rights, to the science of clean water, to recent and future state legislation, to drinking water, come hear our panelists discuss these issues and more.
Scheduled panelists are:
Charles Colgan, Director of Research at the Center for the Blue Economy at the Middlebury Institute, and former director of the New England Environmental Finance Center;
Holly Ewing, Bates College Professor of Environmental Studies and Christian A. Johnson Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies;
Ken Gallant, former wastewater manager and engineer for 41 years along the Androscoggin, Kenebec, and Penobscot Rivers;
Corey Hinton, attorney, citizen of the Passamaquoddy Tribe, and proponent of water and environmental law and legislation in Maine;
John Nutting, former Maine state Representative and Senator, and author of several pieces of state environmental legislation.