Wellness at Bates

The B Well program was created in 2007 and strives to provide encouragement, motivation, and education for the Bates community. B Well offers free fitness classes such as yoga, fitness boot camps, aquatic classes, and more. The program also facilitates campus-wide activity challenges, free health coaching, tobacco cessation opportunities, care for the caregiver, mindfulness and resilience training. Additionally, B Well strives to promote inclusion in our diverse community, social connection, and meaning.
To learn more about B Well contact Mike Milliken, Wellness program manager, at 207-753-6936 or mmillike@bates.edu
Wellness is the active pursuit to understand and fulfill your individual human needs—which allows you to reach a state where you are flourishing and able to realize your full potential in all aspects of life. Every person has wellness aspirations. B Well aims to support the Bates community in fulfilling their needs in seven areas.
Beyond the absence of mental and physical illness, health is a feeling of strength and energy from your body and mind.
Feeling part of and contributing to something bigger than yourself. Knowing that your contributions in life matter. Having purpose in your life.
Knowing that you are safe from physical and psychological harm. Feeling secure enough to take calculated risks and show vulnerability. Free of concern about meeting basic life needs.
Experiencing positive, trusting relationships with others. Feeling a sense of belonging, acceptance and support.
Feeling you have the support, resources and autonomy to achieve your goals. Succeeding at meeting your individual goals and aspirations.
Feeling like you are progressing in life. Learning and being challenged to use and expand on your strengths.
Maintaining a positive outlook on life. Not to ignore challenges but rather persevere through them. Feeling grateful and expressing appreciation.
Virtual Fitness Classes
Virtual fitness classes are free to all staff, faculty, spouses/partners (just need Bates ID). Click here to view the exercise calendar
Fitness Facilities (click here to view all Bates Fitness Facilities)
Fitness Facility Hours found here: gobatesbobcats.com/sports/2020/6/4/building-hours.aspx
Facilities are free to all Faculty and Staff. Must bring your Bates ID and scan in upon arrival

Have any questions?
Mike Milliken
Wellness Program Manager