RA Meeting Minutes 12/9/2014
Bates College Student Government
Representative Assembly
In accordance with the Bates College Student Government Bylaws
(Article I, Section 4)
Sunday, December 7th, 2014 4:00pm-5:30PM | Meeting Room: Pettengill G65
- Announcements
- Ratification of Minutes
- Vote; For: 24. Against: 0. Abstaining: 2.
- Public Participation
- Officer Reports
- Parliamentarian Allen Sumrall,
- Allen is going abroad next semester, and Kiernan will be stepping in, if ¾ of the RA approves. Given that the RA is 4 members short of coram at the start of the meeting, the agenda for the meeting can be rearranged.
- Motion to rearrange the agenda. For: 24. Against: 0. Abstaining: 2. Motion passes.
- With a count of 31 members of the RA present, the RA can vote on the election of Kiernan to the position of Parliamentarian.
- Vote; For: 26. Against: 0. Abstaining: 5. Kiernan is not appointed as of yet. Allen will have to skype into the first RA meeting of the next semester when this vote will be held again.
- Allen reviewed an amendment to the Bylaws about amending the Bylaws. It is a new clause in the EJC bylaws allowing the committee to amend their bylaws.
- Vote; For: All. Against: 0. Abstaining: 0.
- Allen is going abroad next semester, and Kiernan will be stepping in, if ¾ of the RA approves. Given that the RA is 4 members short of coram at the start of the meeting, the agenda for the meeting can be rearranged.
- Budget Committee (Treasurer John Stansel ‘15)
- DJ Society Co-Sponsorship
- The club has moved forward with booking musical artist Lido, after testing the interest of the student body. The tickets will be around $5. The Budget Committee has voted to grant them $3500 to cover the event. Jake Barbato, member of the CHC came to describe the rise of Lido’s career, and his past performances. Lido has been described by a member of the RA as “incredible” and “up-and-coming.”
- Vote; For: All. Against: 0. Abstaining: 0. Passes.
- Inactive Clubs
- Astronomy club will be reinstated, and given a budget of $633.50 for new equipment.
- Entrepreneurial club will be reactivated, and given a budget that they did not have access to in the past for events, speakers
- Treasurer
- John spoke to the RA about the responsibilities of the Treasurer, and the reasons for electing a new Treasurer midway between the academic year. The proposed candidate for the following term is Henry Finkelstein, a junior, who is currently abroad in Beijing, and who has had a lot of experience on the Budget Committee. However, as he does not return until the next semester, Connor Cahill, a member of the Budget Committee will fill his place, allowing Henry to reacclimate back to Bates and student government with Connor’s help. Connor would be the acting Treasurer until the end of January, allowing Henry to sit through some meetings. The RA will approve John and Alyssa’s decision with a simple majority vote.
- Vote: For: All. Against: 0. Abstaining: 0. Henry’s appointment passes.
- John officially resigns from his position on Executive Council and Connor takes his place.
- DJ Society Co-Sponsorship
- Parliamentarian Allen Sumrall,
- President’s Report
- It’s On Us Committee update – The It’s On Us week of action was a successful week, with a lot of involvement from within and outside of the RA.
- Health Center Survey Team – The Ad-Hoc committee will be meeting right after the RA meeting to delegate work that will occur over winter break.
- New Business
- Jake Barbato motions to reconsider Kiernan for the position of Parliamentarian.
- Vote to reconsider: For: Majority.
- Members of the RA spoke about Kiernan’s experience, qualifications, and knowledge of the constitution. Allen would not recommend a member of the EJC he did not believe capable of upholding his previous position.
- Vote: For: All. Kiernan is appointed Parliamentarian for the remainder of the academic year in Allen’s stead.
- Jake Barbato motions to reconsider Kiernan for the position of Parliamentarian.
- Adjournment
- Motion to Adjourn: For: All. Adjournment.
Respectfully Submitted,
Katharina Harling ’17