RA Meeting Minutes 3/8/2015

Bates College Student Government

Representative Assembly


In accordance with the Bates College Student Government Bylaws

(Article I, Section 4)

Sunday, March 8th, 2015 7:00pm-7:30PM | Meeting Room: Pgill G52


  1. Ratification of Minutes
    1. Vote for the first meeting’s minutes: For: 30. Against: 1. Abstaining: 0. Ratified.
    2. Vote for the second meeting’s minutes: For: 30. Against: 1. Abstaining: 0. Ratified.
  2. Committee Reports
    1. Treasurer Henry Finkelstein
      1. Students for Peace and Justice in Palestine asked for $460 to attend an event. The Budget Committee voted to grant this request.
      2. Vote: For: 30. Against: 0. Abstaining: 1. Passes.
  3. Member Reports
    1. Jake Barbato asked for an explanation of the Parliamentarian regarding his recently changed interpretation of the need for three-quarters of membership present rather than total membership to pass amendments to the constitution. Hannah K suggested that the Parliamentarian inform the RA before switching interpretations of the constitution, to which Kiernan responded with his advocacy for a clearer, more easily interpretable constitution.
  4. New Business
    1. Jeremy spoke about Bates United, an unofficial club, and their work to integrate and create coalitions between all group and organizations. Alyssa added her voice, saying it was the responsibility of student government to aid in this endeavour, both through leadership training, creating connections between clubs, and such missions. She motioned to form an Ad-Hoc committee to join student government and those working with Bates United, petitioning for the support of the Executive Council and members of the RA for support.
      1. Vote: For: 29. Against: 2. Abstaining: 0. Passes.
      2. Hannah G explained her reason to vote against the formation of this committee, saying it would be more effective to go to pre-existing committees and organizations.
      3. Tommy, as VP of COC, chose to make the process of appointing people to his Ad-Hoc committee go through the COC. Jeremy voiced his concern that the process would deter people from applying and wanting to get involved.
      4. Alyssa motioned to seat people to the committee by show of hands in the meeting at the moment: Vote: For: 30. Against:0. Abstaining: 1. Motion passes.
      5. People who want to be on this Ad-Hoc committee :
        1. Tayla
        2. Hannah K
        3. Maddy
        4. Joe M
        5. Alyssa
        6. Matt B
  1. Adjournment
    1. Motion to adjourn: For: All. Adjournment.




Respectfully Submitted,


Katharina Harling     ‘17
