Thesis Credit
Guidelines for Biology Thesis Credit
1. The College policy is that thesis research be done while in residence (at Bates); we interpret this to include an off-campus field research location of a Bates faculty member.
2. Permission to extend an off-campus research experience into a one- or two-semester thesis may be granted if:
- Arrangements are made in advance of the summer experience including arrangements of who will be the on-campus adviser; a written proposal is expected;
- The student has significant input into the design of the project done off- campus and demonstrates independence in carrying out the work (with a letter to both effects from the off-campus adviser);
- Review occurs in the Fall as to how/if the work should continue as a thesis. This review may include a group of Biology faculty or just a single faculty member;
- Further work will be done at Bates in which the student has significant intellectual input and independent effort, AND
- Any financial remuneration during the summer is in the form of a research stipend, but not an hourly wage or salary;
- The off-campus adviser is willing to continue to support the project financially if needed.
3. Further work on campus may be in the form of laboratory, field, analytical, or library work.