Thesis Research Credit Policies

In Andrew Mountcastle’s Bio 195 course, students 3d print models of sponge colonies and then study the water flow patterns in flow tanks using fluorecein dye and video captured on their phones through a microscope.
1. The College policy is that thesis research be done while in residence (at Bates); we interpret this to include an off-campus field research location of a Bates faculty member.
2. Permission to extend an off-campus research experience into a one- or two-semester thesis may be granted if:
- Arrangements are made in advance of the summer experience including arrangements of who will be the on-campus adviser; a written proposal is expected;
- The student has significant input into the design of the project done off- campus and demonstrates independence in carrying out the work (with a letter to both effects from the off-campus adviser);
- Review occurs in the Fall as to how/if the work should continue as a thesis. This review may include a group of Biology faculty or just a single faculty member;
- Further work will be done at Bates in which the student has significant intellectual input and independent effort, AND
- Any financial remuneration during the summer is in the form of a research stipend, but not an hourly wage or salary;
- The off-campus adviser is willing to continue to support the project financially if needed.
3. Further work on campus may be in the form of laboratory, field, analytical, or library work.
Students receiving credit for research may be required by their capstone professor to present their research to the Department during the academic year, usually at Mount David Student Research Symposium in March. Research may be presented as a poster or a talk.
An additional poster presentation opportunity for summer research is afforded by the Parent’s Weekend Student Research Poster Session.
Oral presentations are accompanied by visual aids (overheads, slides, or blackboard). The research question, methods and results (or preliminary results in the case of a two semester thesis project) should be presented. Usually each talk is 15-20 minutes with 5 minutes for questions. The presenter is expected to attend the entire session of presentations.
Poster presentations also include the research question, methods and results presented as a glossy, large format poster 36 x 48 inches (landscape orientation) in size, prepared using MS Powerpoint or ADOBE InDesign software. Faculty mentors will give you advice on how to make the most effective presentations.
See the Mount David website for links to poster and talk preparation guidelines and advice.