The Jackson Laboratory Internship

The Jackson Laboratory is a world famous research institute which houses staff scientists interested in genetics, immunology, development, cell biology, and molecular biology. Juniors or Seniors may apply to spend a semester at The Jackson Laboratory, in Bar Harbor, and receive four course credits in Biology, two of which can count as electives toward a biology major. Interns work on a research project at the institution where they attend seminars and courses and contribute to the ongoing research of staff members. Students are expected to make their own housing arrangements; information is available through The Jackson Laboratory. Students are granted four course credits in Biology upon successful completion of the internship. Students do not receive formal grades, nor do they enroll in specifically numbered courses. Jackson has indicated a willingness to take up to two Bates students per semester if current staff scientists have room in their laboratories that semester. Applicants must have substantial background; approval is very selective.
Application Procedure

The Jackson Laboratory is world famous for its research and development of mouse models for genetics research.
Students interested in the program should first speak with Dr. Stephanie Richards (phone x6389).
Students who then wish to apply should submit to the Biology Department an essay explaining background, interests, and reasons for applying, a copy of their transcript, and a description of any independent research experiences they have had (at Bates or elsewhere). Students nominated by the Department must then submit their application, plus two letters of recommendation, to the Committee on Off-Campus Study through Dean Sawyer in the Student Affairs office for the usual due date of March 1 for applications for off-campus study the next year. If recommended by the Committee, students will be asked to fill out an additional application from The Jackson Laboratory and their nomination will be sent on for consideration.
Policies and Requirements
- The Biology Department recruits and nominates up to two students per semester for the program. Ordinarily, the students are in their junior year or the first semester of their senior year at Bates. (This is based on the assumption that students would not have the basic courses needed to maximize the opportunity until junior year and that it is best to spend the final semester on campus as requirements are completed, post-Bates plans are sorted out, and perhaps the thesis based on the internship is written.)
- The Off-Campus Study Committee officially approves the participants for the program based on the Biology Departments recommendation. Participation is for one semester only.
- Students are treated as Junior Semester Abroad participants in terms of minimum GPA requirements, fees, tuition charges, access to financial aid, and course credit. This means that participants have at least a 2.500 GPA at the time of application. Bates charges the Off-campus Study fee with all expenses for living in Bar Harbor handled directly by the student. Bates grants and other financial aid are available to qualifying students. A semesters worth of credit is awarded upon satisfactory completion of the internship (four college courses, two of which may be applied as advanced Biology courses).
- The student must make a presentation of their research in some public forum such as Parent’s Weekend Poster Session or the Mt. David Summit. The Off-Campus Study Committee awards credit based upon a written assessment provided by Jackson Laboratory and the recommendation of the Biology Department. The Committee has the option of awarding fewer than four courses if the student has not adequately fulfilled the responsibilities of the internship. No letter grades are entered on the transcript nor counted toward the students cumulative average.
Additional information on The Jackson Laboratory is available on their websites: