Motor Vehicle Policy & Driver Training Programs

Here you will find the updated Bates College Motor Vehicle Policy, information about how to become certified to drive college vehicles, an explanation of the Train the Trainer program, a list of certified Driver Trainers, driver recertification, accident/breakdown procedures and a printable accident reporting form.


  1. Introduction: 

The Bates College Motor Vehicle Policy is based on a loss prevention model, which establishes the safety of drivers and passengers as a fundamental priority in the operation of Bates College Motor Vehicles. For policy purposes, the term “Bates College Motor Vehicle” includes all motor vehicles owned, leased or rented by the College and employee-owned and leased vehicles while in use for College business purposes. 

Experience tells us that motor vehicle crashes are preventable but sometimes unavoidable. Working to prevent and reduce the number of motor vehicle crashes helps to lower the incidence of personal injuries, lowers the aggregate cost of property damage, and works to reduce insurance costs while serving as an important part of the larger effort to foster a safe educational environment at the College. 

It is particularly important that every student and member of the College’s faculty and staff who accepts the responsibility to operate a Bates College Motor Vehicle consider safety as a fundamental responsibility and obligation in that capacity. 

Please read the Bates College Motor Vehicle Safety Policy carefully, and take seriously the responsibility you accept by becoming a driver of a Bates College Motor Vehicle. 

All students, faculty, and staff who wish to drive a Bates College Motor Vehicle (inclusive of vehicles rented by the college) and are under the age of 25 will be required to participate in and successfully pass a Safe Driving Course managed by Bates Campus Safety-Transportation Office. These individuals will also need to provide the department with a current copy of their 3 year Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) (aka Driver History) in order to be certified for driving Bates College Motor Vehicles. 

This Policy addresses not only the rules governing the operation of Bates College Motor Vehicles (part II) but, also the circumstances under which Bates College students may be approved to drive Bates College Motor Vehicles in support of academic, co-curricular, and formally organized extracurricular activities of the College (part III). 

IF YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS ABOUT TRAINING OR NEED TO SIGN UP FOR A COURSE, PLEASE GO TO THIS LINK OR  CONTACT the  Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager or call (207) 786-6337.

Rules Governing the Operation of Bates College Motor Vehicles:

    1. Compliance with Traffic Laws: Operators of Bates College Motor Vehicles will comply with all motor vehicle regulations, laws, and ordinances at all times. 
    2. Alcohol and Drugs: The use of alcohol and/or drugs by the driver or passengers of a Bates College Motor Vehicles is strictly prohibited. Violation of this provision will be grounds for immediate termination of driving privileges under this policy. 
    3. Safety Belts: In compliance with state law, all drivers are required to use safety belts while operating a motor vehicle for the College. Similarly, all passengers, regardless of placement in the vehicle, must wear safety belts while the vehicle is in motion. It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure 100% compliance with this aspect of the policy. 
    4. Certified Drivers of Bates College Motor Vehicles: Bates College students must be certified in order to drive Bates College Motor Vehicles. Additionally, faculty and staff under the age of 25 must also be certified to drive Bates College Motor Vehicles. Standards and requirements for certification are described in the section below.   Bates EMS members are excluded from this training requirement provided they receive Emergency Vehicle Operation Course (E.V.O.C.) Training via their licensing agency.  E.V.O.C. training exceeds the training standards mandated by this policy.
    1. Use of Personal Vehicles: Bates strongly recommends authorized drivers utilize college owned or rented vehicles when driving for college business. There may be instances when an authorized driver elects to use their personal vehicle to conduct college business.  In such cases, the individual’s personal auto insurance policy will be primary for all issues related to insurance.  All individuals driving their personal vehicles on Bates business must have at least the minimum insurance coverage/limits required by the state of Maine. 
    2. Program Manager Responsibility: It’s the program manager’s responsibility to ensure all drivers possess a valid/up-to-date driver certification PRIOR to allowing anyone under the age of 25 to drive.  Verification can be done by emailing proposed drivers to the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager or by calling (207) 786-6337. 

    The Driver Safety Program consists of an online driver questionnaire – which focuses on behaviors and information that promote safety while operating larger passenger vans, submission of a current 3-year Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) records check (aka Driver History),  and an in-person session with a certified Driver Trainer. The in-person session will include an orientation to the particular aspects of the larger passenger vans, and operation with instruction on a predetermined course which includes many specific points for evaluation. 

    Faculty and staff are authorized to drive Bates College Motor Vehicles without having to take the training class so long as they possess a valid driver’s license from a state in the U.S. and are 25 years of age or over. Exceptions to this may be necessary where there is a demonstrated record of unsafe driving practices by the individual. In such cases, the driver may be required to submit to additional driver training or may be banned from driving college owned/rented vehicles. Determinations of this nature will be addressed via the MVR point system below as reviewed and decided by either the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager and/or the Director of Campus Safety. All decisions are FINAL.

    Faculty and staff members who are under that age of 25 must contact the Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager for instructions on becoming certified to drive college owned/rented vehicles. 


    1. Be at least 18 years of age and have a valid and current U.S. state driver’s license. Drivers possessing only an international driver’s license are ineligible to drive or rent college vehicles. 
    2. Successfully complete the online Driver Survey with more than 80% accuracy – score of 29 or greater (link is available on the Bates website Campus Safety pages). Upon written test completion, an e-mail is automatically sent to the Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager. This will be documented on a tracking sheet for the follow-up contact process and scheduling of a driving session.
    3. Obtain and submit a current 3-year Driver History report (does NOT need to be a certified copy) from the state in which the person is licensed, to the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager. Some states require more time than others for this process. Check with the issuing state.  

    Driver applicants ARE REQUIRED to have ALL the necessary paperwork submitted to the Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager PRIOR to requesting an appointment for a road test session. Those arriving with incomplete and/or missing paperwork will not be allowed to take the road session and must reschedule. 

    1. Have less than ten (10) points on their Motor Vehicle Record check. Points are assigned for each listed violation, as indicated below: 

    MVR Point System

    Type of CitationPoint Value
    Driving without a license10
    Driving while license is suspended or previous suspension of license10
    Driving while under the influence of alcohol10
    Driving while under the influence of narcotics10
    Operating without the owner’s permission10
    Fleeing or eluding a police officer10
    Any serious criminal violation (i.e. reckless or careless driving to endanger, leaving the scene of an accident, etc.)10
    Any major consequential violation of administrative suspension (i.e. open intoxicants in car, illegal transportation of alcohol, etc.)8
    Any speeding violation 21 mph or more over speed limit6
    At fault accident (any event which results in damage to a vehicle or property, or injury to a person) with damages of $2,000 or more combined damage all vehicles and property6
    Driving distracted (use of cellphone while operating)6
    At fault accident (any event which results in damage to a vehicle or property, or injury to a person) with damages of less than $2,000 combined damage all vehicles and property4
    Any speeding violation from 11-20 mph over speed limit4
    Any speeding violation from 1-10 mph over speed limit2
    Any standard moving violation (i.e. speed too fast for conditions, failure to stop/signal, failure to wear seat belt, etc.)2
    1. Disqualification: Motor Vehicle Records are scored using a point system. Persons who have ten (10) or more points (major violations, i.e., driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, reckless operation, hit and run, driving under suspension, fleeing from a police officer) after a review of their Motor Vehicle Record is ineligible to drive a Bates College Motor Vehicle. Persons who are convicted of a major violation after becoming an approved driver must notify the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager in which event authorization to drive a Bates College Motor Vehicle will be suspended. 
    2. The Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager will evaluate the applicant’s MVR based on the Point System for MVR 
    3. Evaluations: An ineligible driver is an individual who does not hold a valid US driver’s license or scores a total of ten (10) or more points over the past three (3) calendar years based on the Point System for MVR Evaluations referred to above. Points will be based solely upon information obtained from the MVR. MVRs will be reviewed and will be kept confidential. The College scores MVRs based on the Point System for MVR Evaluations which may not correspond to the driver’s state point system. Applicants will be notified by the Accreditation, Transportation and Operation Manager of their eligibility. All applicants and approved drivers may attend, at their personal expense, a defensive driving program that must be approved by the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager to improve their driving score. Successful completion (must be documented) of the defensive driving course will result in the driver receiving three (3) point credits toward their MVR score. For example, an applicant with an MVR score of ten (10) who is ineligible to drive a College motor vehicle may successfully complete a defensive driving course, submit proof of completion, and reapply with an MVR score of seven (7). 

      d.  Successfully complete a road driving session scheduled with a certified Driver Trainer. Applicants will be required to demonstrate safe operation  of the vehicle, be expected to adhere to traffic laws/signage/lights and be able to maneuver the vehicle into a parking space. 

    Upon successful completion of the driver training program, the applicant will be issued a numbered security label (removal will “void” the label along with college driving privileges). This label will be affixed to the back of the Bates ID card and will serve as evidence of a current driver certification. Drivers will be required to show their  driver’s license AND Bates ID along with the affixed certification label anytime they rent or sign out a college vehicle. 

    All driver certifications/labels expire on August 15. Driver certifications can be renewed by emailing a current copy of your driving record to the Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager for review.  Once reviewed and approved, drivers must return to the Campus Safety Office to receive a new driver certifications sticker. 

    PLAN AHEAD AT RENEWAL TIME. The time it takes to receive a state motor vehicle record varies widely from state to state. Some states have an online system where the record can be obtained instantly while others require additional authorizations and/or considerable time to obtain records. Regardless of the situation, the applicant must make their request directly to their local Department of Motor Vehicles office. Records must show the driver’s name and at least a three year history. 

    1. Authorized Passengers: Only those individuals affiliated with the College, i.e., faculty, staff, students, or invited guests, are to be transported in Bates College Motor Vehicles. Personal use is strictly prohibited. It is the driver’s responsibility to enforce this policy. 
    2. Crashes/Accidents Involving College Vehicles: Bates College policy requires that any accident involving Bates College Motor Vehicles, regardless of severity, location, or fault, shall be reported immediately to the law enforcement authority within the jurisdiction where the accident occurred, and to Bates Campus Safety (207-786-6254) THe Bates Campus Safety Office is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If the accident takes place on the Bates College property, the local jurisdiction will be Bates College Campus Safety.  An Officer will report to your location to take a report. 

    Failure to report an accident will result in driver certification being revoked.

    If there is an accident involving a Bates College Motor Vehicle, the first priority is to attend to the injured parties and to ensure that all parties are safely out of further harm’s way in the area of the accident. 

    Note: injured parties should be moved only by medical personnel except under the most unusual and crisis-like circumstances to prevent added trauma to the victim. 

    All college owned or rented/leased vehicles should have a Driver Information Packet in the glove box. Each packet contains information regarding accident reporting, an accident reporting form, vehicle registration as well as an insurance card. Program managers are responsible for ensuring this information is in each vehicle.  Additional copies of these documents  can be obtained by clicking: Accident Reporting Information and Accident Reporting Form.  

    No driver should operate a Bates College Motor Vehicle for the College unless they have the Driver Information Packet, registration and the insurance card in their possession. 

    Other points for consideration in the event of an accident:

    1. Make no statement to anyone (including media) other than to law enforcement or Bates Campus Safety personnel. 
    2. Make no statement about payment of damage. 
    3. Admit no fault or liability. 
    4. Move the vehicle only when so instructed by police unless your best judgment under the circumstances is that moving the vehicle is the best and safest course of action. 

    Drivers of College vehicles are responsible for all citations received as a result of an automobile accident, excessive speed and other moving violations. 

    If a College owned/rented vehicle is damaged and cannot be driven and the Department of Campus Safety authorizes it, the vehicle will be towed. If a rental vehicle is damaged, follow the procedures outlined in the rental agreement and/or posted inside the vehicle. In addition, contact Campus Safety to report the accident at (207) 786-6254. Unless approved by Campus Safety, in consultation with the College’s in-house mechanic, any damaged College motor vehicle or rental vehicle must be returned to campus or the rental location immediately following an accident. 


    For any accident or damage occurring involving a College owned or rental vehicle, drivers must complete a Bates College Accident Report within 24 hours and submit it to Campus Safety. Blank reports may be picked up from Campus Safety. Campus Safety will then notify the Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer at (207) 786-8339.

    Driving privileges may be suspended or revoked after an accident with a College Motor Vehicle upon further investigation of the incident.

    Failure to report any incidents and/or failure to complete a Bates College Accident Report within 24 hours will result in loss of all driving privileges of College owned vehicles and may result in the loss of insurance benefits to the College and result in your department/organization being charged the cost of repairs.


    In the event of any potential claims involving a rented vehicle, a copy of the rental agreement must also be submitted along with the Bates College Accident Form.


    If a breakdown of a college OWNED vehicle occurs, call Campus Safety at (207-786-6254) for further assistance.

    If a breakdown of a college RENTAL vehicle occurs, call the rental companies after hours number provided by the rental company for further assistance.

    Driver Responsibility in Bates College Motor Vehicles: The ultimate responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of all passengers belongs to the driver. No policy or procedural statements can eliminate that responsibility. All laws must be obeyed and good safety practices followed at all times.

    1. The areas listed below further define the driver’s responsibilities.
    1. Equipment: Any equipment discrepancies, failures, or vehicle damage with COLLEGE OWNED vehicles should be reported to Campus Safety.  For RENTED/LEASED VEHICLES, REPORT TO THE COMPANY OWNING THE VEHICLE. Inspect the vehicle before using so that pre-existing problems are noted at the outset and, if possible, corrected before vehicle use. Vehicles thought to be unsafe should not be taken out on the road under any circumstances.
    2. Cargo: All cargo and equipment shall be stored in a secure fashion so that it does not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle or endanger the safety of the passengers. Cargo should NOT be stored behind the rear wheels of a 12-15 passenger van as it contributes to poor handling characteristics of the vehicle in the event of an emergency or tire failure. Cargo may be stored over the rear axle or in front of it. Cargo should not exceed 200 lbs.  Cargo should be secured to prevent it from being a hazard in the event of an accident.

    Cargo on the roof of a 12-15 passenger van or any other vehicle is not permitted. Transportation of a trailer with any 12-15 passenger van is also prohibited.

    1. Uncooperative Passengers: Passengers who do not, by their actions while being transported in a Bates College Motor Vehicle, support the safe driving goals of this policy should be reported by the driver to the departmental supervisor who approved the use of the Bates College motor vehicle for college business.
    2. Distractions: The driver’s attention should always be on the safe operation of the vehicle. Distractions such as eating, drinking and/or electronics use should be refrained from while the vehicle is in motion. Smoking is prohibited in College vehicles.
    3. Cellular Phone and Electronic Device Use while Operating a Vehicle: Employees and/or students whose job responsibilities include driving a college owned or rented vehicle while conducting college business, as defined in the Motor Vehicle Policy, will refrain from using their phones, and electronic devices while driving. This includes College owned and personal cellular phones and electronic devices.

    Drivers shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding the use of mobile technology devices including cellular phones. Incoming or outgoing cellular phone calls are not allowed while driving. Sending or reading text messages, emails, dialing cellular phones, viewing television, videos, or DVD’s and inputting data into laptop computers, personal digital assistants or navigation systems are prohibited while driving per law and college policy.

    Driving while distracted in the State of Maine is a moving violation (Sec. 1. 29-A MRSA §2118). Crashes incurred while the driver is using a cellular phone or electronic device may be considered to be preventable and the driver may be subject to disciplinary action. Anyone who is charged with traffic violations resulting from the use of their phone or an electronic device while driving will be responsible for all financial liabilities (fines associated with citations) that result from such actions.

    1. Unauthorized Use of Bates College Motor Vehicles: Only authorized and certified drivers may drive Bates College Motor Vehicles. Drivers for whom vehicles have been signed out or rented are not authorized to delegate driving responsibilities to other drivers except in an emergency and, then, only where the delegated driver is a certified driver for Bates College Motor Vehicles. Improper delegation of driving responsibility may lead to a suspension of driving privileges for the individual in question.

    In the case of long term rentals of vehicles (typically in the intercollegiate athletics program), a faculty or staff member will be the driver of record and responsible for assuring that those who drive the vehicle are properly authorized to do so under this policy. 

    1. Passenger Vans: Bates College may utilize 15 and 12 passenger vans. No more than 12 passengers (including the driver) should ever be in a 15 passenger Bates College Motor Vehicle at any time.
    2. Approvals Required for Bates College Students to Drive Bates Motor Vehicles:

    The College distinguishes between the question of the rules for qualifying Bates College students for driving Bates College Motor Vehicles (addressed in part II, above) and the processes and policies which will govern the acceptable circumstances wherein Bates College students may be asked to drive Bates College Motor Vehicles.

    Broadly speaking, Bates College students will be authorized to drive Bates College Motor Vehicles only when absolutely necessary for the direct support of the College’s academic, co-curricular, and formally organized extracurricular programs and when faculty or staff personnel are not available to serve in the capacity of driver.IF YOU HAVE ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS ABOUT TRAINING OR NEED TO SIGN UP FOR A COURSE, click this LINK or email the Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager  or call (207) 786-6337.

    STUDENT Driver Certification is a 5-step process:

    1) Read the Bates College Motor Vehicle Policy (REVISED–NOVEMBER 2023).

    2) Successfully complete the online Driver Safety Course
    To become Bates driver certified, you must complete the college Driver Application and pass
    the online Driver Safety Course with a score of 80% or higher (29 and above for the online
    course).  Test results are automatically submitted once the online test has been completed.
    To submit your application and take the Drivers Safety Course,  CLICK HERE.

    3) Submit a recent Driver History report from the state which issued your license
    All drivers must obtain a current copy of their 3-year Driving Record (Driving History Record). The driving record is obtained by visiting the licensee’s home state Department of Motor
    Vehicle (DMV) in person or by going online with the licensee’s home state DMV website and requesting the record. All driver applicants are responsible for paying any/all costs associated with obtaining a copy of their driving record. It does not have to be an embossed certified copy.

    The driver history report must be emailed to the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager.

    4) Schedule an in-person vehicle orientation and road driving session
    Once your online test results and a recent current of your driving record have been submitted, reviewed and approved; you will contact your program/department manager to schedule your vehicle orientation session with one of their Certified Driver Trainer(s).  Your program/department manager will confirm all your paperwork is in order PRIOR to scheduling this session.

    All employees and students under the age of 25 who will be operating college owned, rented or leased vehicles must participate in a vheicle orientation and driving session. Vehicle orientation and driving sessions are administered by a certified Driver Trainer.  You must contact your program/department manager that’s arranging the trip(s) you’re driving for to schedule your vehicle orientationand driving session.

    This session includes vehicle orientation and a driving session and must be conducted in a twelve (12) – fifteen (15) passenger van.  The road test takes approximately thirty (30) minutes.

    5) Obtain your driver certification sticker
    The Driver Trainer will notify the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager of a
    satisfactorily completed vehicle orientation/driving session.  Applicants must go to the Campus Safety Office, during normal college business hours (8am-4pm, Monday-Friday), to obtain their driver certification sticker.

    Only those that have been issued a valid driver certification sticker are officially permitted to drive a college owned, rented or leased vehicle.


    -You’re only certified to drive AFTER you’ve been issued a valid driver certification

    -Vehicle orientations/driving sessions are scheduled by appointment only. It is highly recommended that driver applicants plan ahead, well in advance of scheduled driving duties, as there may be limited availability of vehicle orientation/driving session times particularly during the early Spring and Fall.

    -Vehicle orientation/driving sessions may be cancelled due to inclement weather which could detract from the orientation or present a safety risk due to roadway conditions.

     – The Department of Campus Safety and the Accreditation, Transportation and Operations Manager reserves the right to deny driver applications or training due to late sign up, improper, incomplete or otherwise disqualifying paperwork submitted by the applicant.

    -All decisions by the Department of Campus Safety and/or Accreditation, Transportation
    and Operations Manager are final. 

    Train the Trainer: To facilitate and streamline the process of certifying drivers, the Bates College Transportation Office will be modifying the process by which those under 25 years of age (<25 yoa) become certified to drive college owned/rented/leased vehicles.

    What will continue: Candidates will continue to reach out to the Bates College Transportation Office to initiate the driver certification process. They will be provided the necessary information regarding the required written test that’s administered through our insurer. Additionally, they’ll be provided with information about how to acquire a copy of their driving record. Once the written test is completed (test results are automatically forwarded to the Transportation Office), candidates must submit a recent copy of their driving record to the Transportation Manager. The Transportation Manager will review the written test results and the submitted driving record. Successful candidate names, test results, affiliation and driving record receipt date shall be entered into the Certified Driver Database. Candidates who pass the written test and submit a satisfactory driving record will now be ready to schedule their vehicle orientation/driving session.

    What will change: Candidates shall be referred to their affiliated department/organization to schedule and administer a driver vehicle orientation (formerly known as a road test). Department/organization certified Driver Trainers will check the Certified Driver Database to confirm eligibility PRIOR to administering a vehicle orientation/driving session. Upon eligibility confirmation, department/organization certified Driver Trainers will schedule and administer a vehicle orientation/driving session in a twelve (12) – fifteen (15) passenger van with their candidate. Vehicle orientation/driving sessions take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. Upon completion, Driver Trainers will notify the Transportation Manager of the satisfactory completion of the vehicle orientation/driving session.

    Certification sticker: Upon completion of driver vehicle orientation/driving session, candidates must go to the Transportation Office to receive a driver certification sticker, at their convenience, any time during normal college business hours (8am-4pm, Mon-Fri). The issued sticker number will be added to the candidate’s record and displayed on the back of the candidate’s Bates ID. Only AFTER being issued a sticker, will the candidate be eligible to drive college owned/rented/leased vehicles for that academic year. Yearly re-certifications will continue to follow the process outlined in the Driver Recertification pull tab below.

    Training the Trainer: Each department/organization that relies on drivers <25 yoa, for transportation, will provide the necessary employee/s to serve as Driver Trainers and will administer candidate vehicle orientations/driving sessions. The Transportation Manager or designee will provide all Driver Trainers with a recommended route and a hands-on, in person, session covering the essential elements of a typical vehicle orientation/driving session. This orientation takes approximately 20-30 minutes. 

    All Driver Trainers will have access to the Certified Driver database and will confirm each candidate’s eligibility (passing test result and satisfactory driving record) BEFORE any vehicle orientations/driving sesions.  

    Driver Trainers are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Bates College Motor Vehicle Policy found in the pull down menu above.

    In order to qualify to be a Driver Trainer, the applicant MUST have a valid US driver’s license, be a college employee, AND be 25 years of age or older.

    If you have additional questions regading the Train the Trainer program or need to sign up for a Driver Trainer session please contact the Accreditation, Transportation, and Operations Manager or call (207) 786-6337.

    1. John Heutz, Campus Safety Transportation Office
    2. Catie Luedee, AESOP/Outing Club
    3. Rebecca Minor, Earth & Climate Sciences
    4. Philip Dostie, Earth & Climate Sciences
    5. Daphne Comeau, Anthropology, Digital/Computational Studies, History, & Politics
    6. Indya Childs, Bates Dance Festival
    7. Adrienne Shibles, Athletics
    8. Kayleigh Fournier, Athletics
    9. Andrew Mountcastle, Biology
    10. Logan Nichols, Athletics
    11. Levi Adams, Biology
    12. Mike Taraboletti, Athletics (Rowing)
    13. Abby Quinn, Earth & Climate Sciences
    14. Todd McCollough, Dining
    15. Jesse Blackburn, Advancement/Reunion
    16. Steve Sabine, Campus Safety Transportation Office
    17. Don Cote, Campus Safety Transportation Office
    18. Zach Brown-Cross, Res. Life
    19. Art Feeley, Athletics (Track & Field)

    Driver certification remains in effect through each academic year.

    Students particpating in Bates Summer programs remain certified through to the end of that particular program. For all others, certifications obtained during an academic year expire on August 15th. Certifications obtained during Summer are valid for the following academic year.

    In order to be re-certified,  you must obtain an updated Driver History Record from the state your license was issued. This can be done in person at your local DMV office or on-line. Driver candidates seeking recertification are repsonsible for paying any and all fees associated with obtaining their driver history record.

    Upon receipt of your driving history record, email it to the Transportation Coordinator. Once sent, go to the Campus Safety Office during normal business hours (8am-4pm, Mon-Fri), to be issued your new driver certification sticker. Only those posessing a CURRENT driver certification sticker are eligible to drive college vehicles. Certified drivers will be listed on an up-to-date spreadsheet which is made shareable for ensuring the drivers have met the provisions for certification/recertification.

    Bates College policy requires that any accident involving Bates College Motor Vehicles, regardless of severity, location, or fault, should be reported immediately to the law enforcement authority within the jurisdiction where the accident occurred (9-1-1)  and to the Department of Campus Safety at Bates College (207-786-6254). If the accident or incident takes place on the Bates College Campus the local jurisdiction will be Bates College Campus Safety- (207) 786-6254. An Officer will report to your location to file a report.

    If there is an accident involving a Bates College Motor Vehicle, the first order of safety is to attend to the injured parties and to insure that all parties are safely out of further harm’s way in the area of the accident. Note: injured parties should be moved only by medical personnel except under the most unusual and crisis-like circumstances to prevent added trauma arising to the victim.

    Each driver’s packet contains information on accident reporting, as well as an insurance card bearing the name of the College’s insurance broker. No driver should operate a Bates College Motor Vehicle for the College unless he/she has the accident reporting kit and the insurance card in their possession.

    Other points for consideration in the event of an accident:

    1. Make no statement to anyone other than to law enforcement personnel or to Bates College Campus Safety.

    2. Make no statement about payment of damage.

    3. Admit no liability.

    4. Move the vehicle only when so instructed by police unless your best judgment under the circumstances is that moving the vehicle is the best and safest course of action.

    Drivers of College vehicles are responsible for all citations received as a result of an automobile accident, excessive speed, and other moving violations.

    If a College owned vehicle is damaged and cannot be driven and Bates Campus Safety authorizes it, the vehicle will be towed by AAA. If a rental vehicle is damaged, follow the procedures outlined on the rental agreement and/or posted inside the vehicle. In addition, contact Campus Safety to report the accident. Unless approved by the Department of Campus Safety, in consultation with the College’s in-house mechanic, any damaged College Motor Vehicle or rental vehicle must be returned to campus or the rental location immediately following an accident.


    For any accident or damage occurring involving a College owned or rental vehicle, drivers must complete a Bates College Motor Vehicle Accident Reporting Form within 24 hours and submit it to the Department of Campus Safety Communications Center. Blank reports may be picked up from Campus Safety or print the PDF via the link provided in the next drop-down menu. The Department of Campus Safety will document the accident int he form of an incident report and notify the College’s risk manager.

    Driving privileges may be suspended or revoked after an accident with a College Motor Vehicle upon further investigation of all accidents.

    Failure to report any incidents and complete a Bates College Accident Report within 24 hours will result in loss of all driving privileges of College owned vehicles and may result in the loss of insurance benefits to the College and result in your department/organization being charged the cost of repairs.


    Any potential claims involving a rented vehicle will need to submit a copy of the rental agreement with the Bates College Accident Form.


    If a breakdown of a college owned vehicle occurs call the Campus Safety Communications Center at (207-786-6254) for further assistance.

    If a breakdown of a college rental vehicle occurs, first: call the rental companies after hour’s number provided by the rental company for further assistance. If no one can be reached at the rental after hour’s number, call Campus Safety at the number above.