Winter 2025 Bates Leads Clubs, Orgs, and Jobs Fair Registration
- The fair will take place on Wednesday, January 8th from 8:00 to 10:00pm in Chase Hall. Set-up of your group’s table may begin at 7:30pm.
- Tabling will take place in Memorial Commons (room 110), Chase Lounge (room 102), Hirasawa Lounge (room 203), and Skelton Lounge (room 201). The submitter may specify a room preference when they submit their group’s registration, and will receive their assignment when they check in at the fair.
- Registration in advance is required. We are unable to guarantee a table if your group does not register.
- BCSG-recognized clubs and Campus Life-supported organizations: Campus Life will provide a sign with a QR code that directly links to your Bates Engage group, so prospective members can instantly sign up to be in the loop. Other groups are encouraged to create similar materials.
- We encourage you to watch this video and/or review this quick reference sheet to prep for the fair.
- Submit this form no later than Sunday, January 5. Contact Campus Life at if you have questions. Thanks!
Registration for the Bates Leads Clubs, Orgs, and Jobs Fair is now closed. There will be a limited number of standby tables available. Please drop by the sign-in table in the lobby of the first floor of Chase Hall – outside of Purposeful Work – between 7:30 and 8:00pm on Wednesday, January to8 see if one is available for your group.