Marianne Williams

Humanities Librarian
Information and Library Services
Ladd Library
Marianne Williams (she/her) is a research librarian, and acts as the liaison librarian for many of the humanities departments at Bates, including Art and Visual Culture, English, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Latin American and Latinx Studies, French and Francophone Studies, German and Russian, among others. Her research interest is in integrating critical information literacy into research practice for students.
A Selection of Relevant Prior Work
- Article: Williams, M. “Pedagogical Perspective: Teaching Algorithmic Literacy.” February 2024. Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning Newsletter, Bates College. This article discusses some strategies and resources for incorporating algorithmic literacy into research workshops for students.
- Panel Moderator: Williams, M. “Doings Things Differently: New Methods and Approaches for Library and Archival Work.” April 2023. Art Libraries Society of North America Annual Conference, Mexico City, LINK. This panel discussed human-centered design in archival projects, user experience design, walking as an art research method, and supporting studio art students through collection development.
- Panel Moderator/Organizer: Williams, M. “Chat GPT Panel featuring Dr. Lindsey Hamilton, Dr. Bridget Fullerton, Dale Rothenberg, and Stella Terry.” February 2023. Hosted by Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning and ILS (Information and Library Services), Bates College. This panel discussion brought together partners from various departments across campus, including inclusive teaching, writing support services, curricular and research computing, and the peer writing tutoring center, to discuss and explore Chat GPT.