AmeriCorps VISTA
Civic Leadership Fellow

Harward Center for Community Partnerships and Campus Life

Harward Center 229
Chase Hall G04


Ronan Goulden serves as the AmeriCorps VISTA Civic Leadership Fellow at Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. He is responsible for organizing and promoting community-engagement opportunities to Bates students — helping to connect them to college aspirations programming in the Lewiston Auburn community. Hailing from Lagunitas, California, Ronan has come to call the Lewiston Auburn Area his home, graduating from Bates College as a double major in Environmental Studies and Sociology in 2022. As a student, Ronan worked with numerous community partners through the Bonner Leadership Program. This engagement culminated in the completion of a Sociology Honors Thesis on the experience of language and accent-based workplace discrimination against BIPOC members of the LA workforce. Opportunities like these allowed Ronan to enact his passion for creating meaningful partnerships with members and organizations of communities, something he is excited to continue as a VISTA. Outside of community engagement, Ronan loves to bike, explore the public art and culinary experiences of LA, and spend time in the beautiful landscapes of Maine. Ronan loves to collaborate and discuss topics including: K-12 College, career, and trades access; community engagement best practices; higher education access for students on financial aid; and student leadership development/motivation.

A Selection of Relevant Prior Work
  • Conference Workshop Presented: June 2023 – An Innovative Strategy for Boosting Student Buy-In: Negotiate a Contract. Montclair State University: Bonner Foundation Student Leadership Institute, Montclair, NJ.
  • College Access Program Designed: May 2022 – Aspirations Days. Bates College Community Engaged Research.
  • Thesis: Goulden, Ronan Rhea, “The ‘Forever Migrant:’ An Intersectional Analysis of L/A Workplace Discrimination on the Basis of Race, African Accent, and English Language Proficiency” (2022). Honors Theses. 403.
  • Community Engaged Project: May 2021 – LA Arts Public Arts Map & Tour. LA Arts (