Krystie Wilfong

Associate College Librarian for Collection Management and Scholarly Communications
Library and Information Services
Ladd 112
Krystie Wilfong (she/her) is the Associate College Librarian for Collection Management and Scholarly Communications. Krystie holds a BA in Art History from Gettysburg College and an MLIS from the Palmer School of Library Science at Long Island University. Before coming to Bates she worked at Columbia University as the Collection Assessment and Analysis Librarian for the Science division. She also has experience working for an academic publisher. At Bates, Krystie provides the strategic direction for our physical and electronic collections and collaborates with colleagues from Colby and Bowdoin colleges. She also advocates for Open Access (OA) publishing and the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) as course required textbooks. Please reach out if you are interested in OA publishing (in general or through our Institutional Repository SCARAB) or exploring the use of OER!
A Selection of Relevant Prior Work
- Workshop: Wilfong, K. and Conforte, L. “Say YES to the Text: Exploring the Open Textbook Landscape.” 2024. Bates College. Workshop LINK.
- Presentation: Wilfong, K. “Fall 2022 Student Textbook Survey Results.” 2023. Bates College. Presentation LINK.
- Panel: Wilfong, K., Brundy, C., Way, D., and Wilson, E. “More than One Way to Skin a Cat: Diverse Perspectives on Emerging Journal Models.” 2022. Charleston Library Conference. This panel discussed their current approaches, where they see the marketplace headed, the obstacles they see facing publishers and libraries, and whether any of the approaches in the marketplace truly address the crises that continue to plague scholarly communication.
- Presentation: Wilfong, K., Bell, C. and Omohundro, Z. “The Price Isn’t Right: How Libraries Can Overcome the Invisible Cost of Education.” 2019. ACRL New England Chapter. Presentation LINK.
- Presentation: Bell, C., Schlax, P. and Wilfong, K. “Curating Your Scholarly Identity.” 2018. Bates College. Presentation LINK.