Baccalaureate 2020
Bates College Baccalaureate precedes Commencement each year as a beloved moment for gratitude and blessing. A multitude of graduating seniors, parents, loved ones, and staff have created a spectacular array of Baccalaureate offerings for you to explore below. We invite you to move through these offerings in the intentional order in which they are listed or simply engage by choosing the pieces you feel pulled towards. Welcome to Baccalaureate 2020!
Welcome to Baccalaureate
Rev. Dr. Brittany Longsdorf, Multifaith Chaplain
Moment of Remembrance
Rev. Raymond Clothier, Associate Multifaith Chaplain
Senior A Capella
Arranged by Sam Findlen-Golden
Performed by Josephine Blanchon, Maya Chrobot, Drew Collins, Sam Findlen-Golden, Eliza Kissick, Becca Kraft, Jason Lu, Senyo Ohene, Auguste Perl, Ella Westerfield
Senior Poem
Written and Read by Kati Cabral
Short stories and reflections from the class of 2020 about their time at Bates
+Lila Patinkin
+Xin “Judy” Wang
+Eden Rickolt
+Isabel Pearson Kramer
+Koyabi Nbiba
+Sukanya Shukla
+Alison Greene
+Drew Collins
+Julia Panepinto
+Christine “Stine” Carroll
Offering of Dance
Organized by Alexandria Onuoha, Original Music by Oriana Lo Cicero
Performed by (in order of appearance): Alexandria Onuoha, Elisabeth Gwydir, Elizabeth Wellington, Eliana Madwed, and Maya Church
Parent Reflections
Visit our Parent Reflections page to see a collection of wisdom, blessings, and stories from Parents and Loved Ones on how they and their students grew while at Bates.

An Offering of Music
“Bobcat in My Bones” by Shoes on the Rug
Produced by Max Rolnick, Filmography by Matt Engles
Performed by Drew Collins, Julian Cook, Becca Kraft, David Maffly-Kipp, Ben Skiest, Tanner Stallbaumer, William Weeks
Interfaith Blessing
Offered by (in order of appearance): Charlotte Karlsen, Alexandria Onuoha, El Khansaa Kaddioui, Senyo Ohene, Oriana Lo Cicero, Sara Moradi
Special Thanks
As our original Baccalaureate plans shifted drastically, we found ourselves in complete awe of the students and staff who, with big hearts, creativity, and thoughtfulness, jumped in to create so many beautiful virtual Baccalaureate offerings for the class of 2020. Special thanks goes to our incredible Baccalaureate Coordinator, Lila Patinkin ‘20 for her organizational prowess and thoughtfulness, Jamie Watkins and Ariel Abonizio ‘20 from Digital Media Technologies for their editing wizardry, Nick O’Brien from the Bates Communication Office for making this website so lovely and accessible, and The Bates Multifaith Chaplaincy for shepherding this collaborative process. Lastly, thank you to the Baccalaureate Planning Committee and all of the Baccalaureate 2020 participants; you have created something touching, joyful, and beautiful and we are grateful.