Alumni Updates

We love hearing from our alumni and staying up-to-date on their progress. Some exciting news from a couple of our recent graduates:

Zofia Ahmad (2019) is pursuing a dual PhD in Central Eurasian Studies and in History at Indiana University, focusing on ancient nomadic empires. She earned her MA at the University of Warwick in Global and Comparative History, where she wrote a dissertation comparing and contrasting the socio-political structure of three nomadic empires; the Scythians, the Huns, and the Khazars. She then completed an MA in Economics at the University of British Columbia.

Katie Ziegler (2019) is completing her last semester in the MAT program at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Upon graduating, she hopes to teach high school Latin.

Zofia and Katie 

Jenna Powell (2019) has been accepted to the Master’s in Classics program at the University of Edinburgh, where she will continue her studies this fall.


Congratulations, Zofia, Katie, Jenna, and our other graduates! We are very proud of you!