Funded Opportunities for Graduate Work

There are many funded opportunities for graduate study in classical and medieval studies as well as related fields. The following list is necessarily incomplete, and it is periodically updated. 

  • Yale University offers two two-year funded post-baccalaureates: 1) History of Art for individuals who plan to pursue careers as academics or museum curators. These two-year positions are designed to prepare participants for PhD programs in the history of art. 2) The Cultural Heritage Research and Practice for individuals with an interest in pursuing careers as cultural heritage professionals. These two-year positions are designed to prepare participants for PhD programs in fields relating to cultural heritage research and practice.
    Post-Baccalaureate Programs | Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Duke University offers a Bridge-to-the-PhD Fellowship program, which is designed to lower barriers of access to graduate study for talented students from underrepresented communities (including first generation students and students from low-income backgrounds) who would benefit from an additional year of language training. 
    Bridge Program | Classical Studies
  • University of Colorado at Boulder offers a masters in the following areas: Greek and Latin, Classical Antiquity, Art and Archaeology, and the Teaching of Latin. These are funded through teaching.
    Graduate Degrees in Classics | Department of Classics | University of Colorado Boulder
  • Princeton University invites applications for a one-year, fully funded pre-doctoral Fellowship in Classics that includes an offer of regular admission to the Classics doctoral program for the following year (assuming steady academic progress). Our Predoctoral Program is open to all: we especially encourage applications from candidates who contribute to the University’s diversity.
    Pre-doctoral Fellowship | Princeton Classics
  • University of Michigan, LSA offers a fully funded, three-semester bridge MA designed to assist promising students in Classical Studies, Ancient Philosophy, Ancient History, or Greek and Roman Archaeology in developing the Ancient Greek and Latin language skills needed to pursue a Ph.D. in Classical Studies.
    Bridge M.A. in Classical Studies
  • University of Georgia offers a fully funded two-year MA in Classics in a rigorous and collegial atmosphere. Our program is perfect for students who wish to prepare themselves for Ph.D. programs in Classics, who plan to become Latin teachers, or who simply want to continue their Classics education before pursuing a different career.
    Graduate Program | Department of Classics | The University of Georgia
  • Kansas University offers three tracks toward the MA in Classics: one with an emphasis on Classical Languages, one with an emphasis on Classical Art & Archaeology, and a Combined BA/MA in Classics. All three degree programs include both a thesis and a non-thesis option in a 2-year, fully-funded MA.
  • University of Cincinnati offers a fully funded MA in Classics that includes seminars and courses in Ancient History, Art and Archaeology, and Philology, and (a) the preparation of a thesis, to be defended in a final oral examination or (b) the passing of a comprehensive examination.
    About the Graduate Program
  • University of Notre Dame offers a funded, 2-year MA in Classics, covering the language, literature, history, archaeology, and culture of the Greco-Roman world, as well as its reception.  The chief purpose of the MA in Classics is to prepare students for doctoral study in these or other related areas. 
    M.A. in Classics // Graduate // Department of Classics // University of Notre Dame
  • Indiana University at Bloomington offers a fully funded MA in Classical Studies that is rigorous, preparing students for careers and further academic training and a fully funded MAT in Classical Studies that is completed through our department in conjunction with the School of Education.
    Graduate Degrees
  • Texas Tech University offers an MA in Classics in which all students undertake the same core coursework and exams in Classical Languages, Literature, Culture, and Archaeology and Material Culture. Students usually receive financial support via employment as a Teaching Assistant, Graduate Part-Time Instructor, or as the Editorial Assistant to Helios or Intertexts. Funded M.A. In Classics | Graduate | CMLL Classics | Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures | TTU
  • University of Maryland offers an MA in Classics includes advanced course work in Latin and/or Greek language and literature and places ancient literary texts in the broader context of ancient Greek and Roman culture and civilization. Five funded teaching assistantships provide tuition remission and a living expense stipend.
    Master of Arts | Department of Classics
  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst offers a Master of Arts in Teaching Latin and Classical Humanities that is the equivalent of an MA in Classics with supplementary graduate-level work in Education. It is funded by teaching. The program leads to a middle- and high-school (grades 5-12) teaching certificate in Latin and Classical Humanities valid in 30 states within the Interstate Certification Compact.
    Graduate Program : Department of Classics : UMass Amherst 
  • University of New Mexico offers a funded 2-year MA in Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, with a concentration in Classical languages. The program in Classics aims to train students who not only have a proficiency in the ancient languages, but also have a broader understanding of the ancient world, including contemporary approaches to the Classics. Classics, Greek, Latin :: UNM Languages, Cultures, and Literatures | The University of New Mexico
  • Tulane University offers a funded MA in Classics that emphasizes building students’ skills in Latin and Greek, while encouraging them to explore the ancient world through archaeology and ancient history.
    Funded Masters Program | School of Liberal Arts
  • University of Oregon offers an MA in Classics with a focus on ancient languages and literature or on classical archaeology and material culture. Students are funded through teaching.
    Graduate Programs | Classics | Humanities
  • Boston College offers an MA in Classics (Latin and Greek together) and in Latin alone. Limited scholarship aid is available, chiefly in the form of tuition remission. A teaching assistantship, which carries a stipend in addition to free tuition, is offered for one semester. Graduate – Classical Studies – Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
  • Rutgers University offers one to two MA fellowships in Classics per year as well an MA in Interdisciplinary Classics and Ancient History and an MAT in Latin; the last two may be funded. RU Classics focuses on the interpretation of original texts in Greek and Latin in the context of the general humanistic tradition. Graduate students master the philological methods of the discipline and become familiar with the methods of such related fields as literary theory, ancient history, philosophy, and ancient art history.
    Program Description
  • University of Virginia offers a bridge-to-doctorate fellowship that is an intensive post-baccalaureate training program, with the goal of preparing Fellows for admittance and success in PhD programs upon the completion of the Fellowship.
    Bridge to the Doctorate | The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences
  • Cornell University offers a bridge MA in Classics that is specifically tailored for students with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly potential and have experienced barriers to accessing opportunities that would prepare them for immediate entry into a doctoral program.
    The Bridge M.A. in Classics: An Initiative in Support of Equitable Access
  • University of Pennsylvania’s Department of Classical Studies and College of Liberal and Professional Studies offer two fellowships: the Elsie Phare Fellowship and the Masciantonio Fellowship. Each fellowship supports a student in Penn’s well-established Classical Studies post-baccalaureate program.
    Classical Studies | Penn LPS and  Fellowships | Penn LPS
  • University of Minnesota offers a funded MA in Classics that is aimed at preparing students for admission to top national programs or for employment at selective secondary educational institutions (such as high schools or prep schools). Within two years, students will cover a variety of authors and genres to give students a strong foundation in classical literature. Degree Programs | Classical & Near Eastern Religions & Cultures | College of Liberal Arts
  • University of Arizona, Tucson offers a generously funded MA that emphasizes Classical Philology, Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, Ancient Religion, Latin Pedagogy, or Latin Philology.
    Master of Arts in Classics | Classics | Department of Religious Studies & Classics | University of Arizona
  • Columbia University offers two funded post-bacchalaureates that provide college graduates with the opportunity to improve their facility with ancient Greek and Latin, and to expand their knowledge concerning the ancient world. Designed primarily for students interested in preparing for graduate-level study of Classics or related disciplines. 
    Overview — Columbia University Department of Classics
  • Western Michigan University offers an MA in Medieval Studies. Students complete four core courses in affiliated departments and choose electives taught by faculty across the university. It is funded primarily through teaching assistantships.
    Programs of Study | Medieval Institute | Western Michigan University
  • Case Western Reserve offers competitive fellowships for master’s degree students in Art History and Art History and Museum Studies including the Barbato Fellowships and the Keithley Fellowship. Additionally, up to one Cleveland Museum of Art Fellowship is offered each year. The MA student holding this fellowship works in a relevant department at the CMA rather than as a research or teaching assistant.
    Scholarships and Grants
  • Penn State University offers an MA Program in Ancient Mediterranean Studies. This program is designed for students who can benefit from graduate instruction in any of the following areas: the Ancient Near East, Egypt, the Levant, the Hebrew Bible, early Judaism, Greece, Rome, Early Christianity, and the modern reception of the ancient Mediterranean world.
    Program Description
  • János Bak Research Fellowship offers awards of 2000 EUR each to support study in one of the medieval tracks in Historical Studies at CEU. The funding is intended to cover part of the costs associated with studying in Vienna for any applicant with a particular interest in the medieval and early-modern history of Central, East-Central and Eastern Europe. Award-winners in the 2-year program will have their awards renewed for the second year of study, subject to the successful defense of the thesis prospectus and a GPA above 3.5.
    Program Description