Breaks at Bates

Breaks at Bates funding is designed to support events and programs during break periods during the academic year.

These events/programs are coordinated by students and may include food that is aimed at bringing students together in meaningful ways.

Any individual student, student club, or student organization may apply for this funding. Please note that the Office of Campus Life requires a minimum of one week’s planning time for Breaks at Bates events and programs in order to accommodate logistical needs as they arise.

You may view upcoming Breaks at Bates events here.


Applications will be reviewed by Campus Life based on the following criteria:

  • Proposed event/program must be free and open to all. Events/programs proposed to take place off campus will not be approved.
  • Proposed event/program must be interactive, social, and alcohol-free.
  • If determined necessary for your proposed event/program, staffing availability.
  • Other events/programs on campus on the proposed event/program date.
  • Events/programs that provide late-night programming on weekend nights will be given priority.

Once You’re Approved

You are responsible for:

  • Ensuring the event/program location is reserved via Breaks at Bates is a funding source, and does not function as space reservation. If the event/program is not affiliated with a club or organization, please select “Breaks at Bates” as the reserving group when submitting your reservation.
  • Publicity for the event/program. The Breaks at Bates logo (provided in your approval email) must be featured prominently on all marketing materials, including but not limited to print, digital signage, and social media.
  • Planning and running the event/program, including set-up and clean-up.
  • Completing the Event/Program Planner Evaluation Form after the event.
  • Submitting any receipts needed to be reimbursed. Please review your approval email for more details.

Event Evaluation