Pledge of Social Responsibility

In keeping with Bates’ history of commitment to a just and civil society, the Baccalaureate Committee has adopted the “Graduation Pledge of Social Responsibility,” inviting all in the class to sign.


In choosing to commit themselves to the pledge below, students from the Class of 2008 join those from more than a hundred colleges and universities nationwide. It is not a prescription but rather a choice, allowing new graduates the opportunity to decide for themselves what it means to be socially and environmentally responsible: it signifies a sustained dedication to social consciousness and civic action.


In the past, pledge takers have turned their words into action in a variety of ways, from seeking gender parity to establishing recycling programs, to extending conflict resolution services into underserved communities. It thus provides a grounding point from which students may strive to maintain not only the immediate knowledge and skills of an undergraduate education but social and civic values as well.


Graduation Pledge of Social Responsibility


I, _____________________________,  pledge to explore and take into account the social and environmental consequences of any job I consider and will try to improve these aspects of any organizations for which I work.