

Section 1. Mission 

The mission of the Committee Selection Board is to equitably select qualified individuals who represent all Bates students for committee positions and to organize and run fair and transparent elections for BCSG positions.

Section 2. Vision 

  1. The CSB operates impartially to select the best and most qualified candidates for faculty and student-run committees and boards. 
  2. The CSB organizes and runs fair, equitable, and transparent elections for all BCSG positions
  3. The CSB utilizes the Bates Leads Framework to develop leadership skills among its members and throughout campus.

Section 3. Our Commitment to Equity 

As a Campus Life-Supported Organization, we commit to all college policies that relate to students and student clubs and organizations. In the spirit of community accountability and collegiality, we agree to create spaces for discussions of injustice and inequity. We commit to engaging actively in dialogue with relevant parties (e.g., peer club and organization officers, campus offices, administrators, etc.) to effect positive change.

Section 4. Leadership Development

Leadership development at Bates is defined by a framework describing seven leadership capacities (Bates Leads Framework). Campus Life embeds the Bates Leads Framework into its student leadership and employment positions. The following competencies are most relevant to CSB positions:

Consciousness of Self and Impact: Awareness of one’s beliefs, values, attitudes, and emotions; recognition that these are shaped by cultural context and other external forces. Self-awareness, including one’s inherited and positional power and privilege. Awareness of one’s impact on individuals and community, recognizing the impact of each action and inaction.

  1. Members of the CSB will be most successful if they are able to know their own strengths and apply that knowledge to their work with other members of the CSB, student applicants, and the community. This includes considering the impact of one’s words and actions on others and communities. Especially in relation to how interviews are conducted, selection decisions made, and information is communicated to all stakeholders involved.

Commitment: The passion, energy, creativity, and follow-through one brings to ideas, pursuits, and collective goals.

  1. CSB positions require a high level of responsibility, and require individuals to hold themselves and others accountable by meeting deadlines, attending meetings and committing to producing the best work possible.

Collaboration: Working reciprocally with others. Working across differences to achieve a shared goal. Bringing multiple perspectives, diverse experiences, and individual creativity to bear on a pursuit.

  1. This position requires working with CSB members, constituents, BCSG, and various members of the Bates community, including senior staff and faculty members.

Common Purpose: Cultivating a shared goal, direction, and sense of responsibility.

  1. CSB will work with our members and the Bates community to set overall goals which create a shared sense of purpose and responsibility.

Congruence: Alignment of values, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions with actions in this world

  1. CSB will function effectively as a united decision making body which will reflect the common goals of the committee, student body, BCSG, and the Bates community.

Controversy: Acknowledging conflict, controversy, and dissent as opportunities for new insight, or new direction or deeper relationships. Disagreeing with others in a spirit of curiosity and learning. Disagreeing or dissenting from the norm without dehumanizing others.

  1. At times, CSB members may disagree with each other or with the Bates community members they are working with. It is crucial in these moments to communicate honestly, openly, respectfully, and to work to resolve conflict through collaboration and compromise. 

Civic Agency: Embracing one’s capacity and responsibility to work with others to advance communal goals. Actively supporting people’s full participation in the decisions, systems, and processes that impact their lives and communities. Recognizing the impact of one’s choices on others.

  1. CSB members will work to support each other and the goals and charge of the committee. Members will have a responsibility to the committee, its procedures and processes, and the Bates community. Members will make fair and equitable decisions and communicate those decisions in a respectful and timely manner.


Section 1. Membership Policies

As a Campus Life-Supported Organization, we commit to abide by the Club/Org Membership Policy. New members will be selected through the same interview process we utilize to fill other committee positions (See: Article IV, Section 3). Applicants will be considered a CSB member immediately following their official selection to the Board. Training should be provided to new members either utilizing specific training sessions or through their attendance to CSB meetings and interviews.

Section 2. Creating Space for Community

In compliance with the Club/Org Membership Policy, this club/org is open to all students. 


Section 1. Positions

  • Co-Chairs will …
    • Be the primary contact for the organization to committee heads, Student Government, and the Bates Community
    • Lead DEI efforts in practices 
    • Head continuity/leadership transitions
    • Manage the image of CSB to the campus community
  • Members will…
    • Attend all weekly meetings
    • Attend all scheduled interviews, a minimum of 3 individuals are required to conduct an interview
    • Respond to all email communications within 24 hours
  • BCSG provided secretary will …
    • be in charge of taking meeting minutes at interviews and weekly meetings be in charge of maintaining club/org history BCSG provided Equity and Inclusion Advisors will…
    • Ensure that CSB is adhering to E&I principles in structure and decision making
    • Take lead on CSB marketing and promotions
  • Campus Life Advisor…
    • Assist the co-chairs in contacting committee chairs and the registrar
    • Attend CSB meetings as requested
    • Provide institutional knowledge and advice to support the functioning of CSB

Section 2. Election and/or Selection of Officers

  1. The Committee Selection Board operates with a co-chair system designed to ensure necessary commitment to the positions responsibility and flexibility in scheduling 
  2. ⅔ of the Committee Selection Board must vote in the election for the results to be declared valid. Winners will be declared by a majority vote.
    1. Refer to By laws for specific information regarding election processes.


Section 1. General Meetings

  • CSB holds weekly hour-long meetings to discuss responsibilities and pertinent tasks.
  • Co-chairs establish the agenda

Section 2. Modes of Decision Making

  • Selection processes take place on democratic account; all members’ votes are weighted equally and majority decision rules.
  • Co-chairs will work to deliberate inter-member conflicts regarding decisions and other matters
    • Interpersonal conflict between members or interviewees
    • Conflict about future leadership
    • Power dynamics 
  • When we have reached an impasse where it is clear the conflict will not be resolved among organization members OR harm has occurred or continues to occur around this issue, we commit to contacting Campus Life to help us address and resolve it. 

Section 3. Interview Procedures

  • Interviews are held to determine the best candidate for an open position in any given committee on campus. This happens through an open, equitable, and fair process for all candidates. 
  • Decisions will be determined by CSB member consensus after deliberation.
    • Refer to By laws for specific information regarding interview procedures. 
  • Decisions will be communicated in a timely and professional manner.


  • CSB does not manage a budget. If the need for funding does arise, a discussion specific to the situation should be initiated with Campus Life and/or the BSCG E-Board.


Section 1. Club/Org History

  • The Committee Selection Board serves two primary responsibilities throughout the course of an academic year.
    • 1: The timely and equitable filling of student positions on committees and boards
      • Consistently communicate with committee chairs to establish needs for student seating for the year
      • Communication should occur through the CSB delegated access email account in order to maintain records of communication
      • Seating decisions should be recorded in the shared drive in a frequently update excel sheet 
    • 2: Managing the annual election process for BCSG elected positions in the Winter Semester 

Section 2. Club/Org Continuity and Transition

  • CSB will maintain a shared Google Drive.
    • Every CSB member will be given access to this Google Drive.
      • Co-Chairs should have full manager access to the shared drive
    • New folders should be created for each academic year
      • Folders from past academic years should be kept in the drive for future reference
    • All documents relevant to CSB or created for use by CSB should be saved on the shared drive so they are accessible to all members. 
  • CSB members will be part of a google group for communication. 


  • A Co-Chair may propose a new constitutional amendment at any point.
    • An amendment may also be proposed by a CSB member specifically tasked by the committee to review and update the CSB Constitution.
  • When an amendment is proposed each member of the CSB must be given adequate time to read, understand, ask questions about, and propose changes to said amendment.
  • The amendment must be proposed and voted on with the exact language as is going to be added into the constitution.
  • For an amendment to be ratified 2/3rds of sitting CSB members must vote to ratify.
    • Every sitting member of CSB is eligible to vote on all constitutional amendments.
    • Voting may occur asynchronously as long as timelines are clearly communicated to all members.
    • Any member who does not, or is unable to, cast a vote should be considered a vote against the amendment, unless they specifically abstain from the vote.
  • If a constitutional amendment is passed this Constitution document must be updated in a timely fashion using the exact language of the amendment that was voted on.



  1. The Committee Selection Board operates with a co-chair system designed to ensure necessary commitment to the positions responsibility and flexibility in scheduling 
  2. Officers are selected during the last month of the Winter Semester, prior to short term  
  3. Co-chair elections will take place over Google form selection. Out-going (co-)chairs will be in charge of elections if they themselves are not running. If there is not an individual who meets these standards, elections will be run by the CSB Campus Life advisor. 
  4.  Individuals can self-nominate during a designated period of time, they will submit a declaration statement and general thoughts about the forward progress of CSB.
  5. ⅔ of the Committee Selection Board must vote in the election for the results to be declared valid. 
  6. Winners are declared by majority vote. 
  7. The remaining period of the Winter Semester and Short-term will serve as a transitory and training period.

Interview Procedures

  1. Interviews are scheduled for 15 minutes, with 5 minutes after for a group discussion and to limit contact between interviewees.
  2. During interviews, it is required for a minimum of three CSB members to be present and the BCSG-appointed secretary when possible 
  3. Questions asked at each interview and notes will be standardized to the current form: Draft Standardized Notes
    1. Committee-specific questions will be created by CSB members prior to the interview period
    2. Notes will be taken for each interview by a CSB member or the secretary (when available) 
  4. Deliberation
    1. CSB members will engage in an open discussion about the candidate’s qualifications and interview to best seat committee members
    2. CSB will make decisions regarding placement in a timely manner

Member Training

  1. Newly hired members will receive at least one session of training prior to beginning to interview candidates
    1. In this session they will have a chance to review the standardized notes document, review interview procedure, and ask any questions they have.
    2. They will be given access to the shared Google Drive and an orientation to the set up/ location of important documents.
    3. New members may sit in on interviews prior to this training session but do not count as one of the three required members and cannot vote on decisions.
  2. All new members will be shown how to access the CSB constitution, By Laws, and Campus Life advisor
  3. All new members will be given explicit instructions on options for conflict resolution available to them as a CSB members, including steps to take if they have a conflict with a sitting Co-Chair
  4. All new members will have a training session dedicated to the Bates Leads Framework and how it applies to CSB within their first semester serving on CSB.

By Law Amendments

  1. The By Laws will be reviewed at least once annually by the Co-Chairs
  2. Any CSB member may propose a new By Law amendment at any point.
  3. The amendment must be proposed and voted on with the exact language as is going to be added into the constitution.
  4. For an amendment to be ratified 1/2 of sitting CSB members must vote to ratify.
    1. Every sitting member of CSB is eligible to vote.
    2. Voting may occur asynchronously as long as timelines are clearly communicated to all members.
    3. Any member who does not, or is unable to, cast a vote should be considered a vote against the amendment unless they specifically abstain from the vote.
  5. If a By Law amendment is passed this document must be updated in a timely fashion using the exact language of the amendment that was voted on.