Design Process for Communications Projects
The Bates Communications and Marketing Office creative design team works with campus clients on projects spanning everything from print to email to web to social media. Once you submit a Communications Project Request (CPR), we will sit with you to understand your goals and lay out a timeline for developing your project.
Here is an overview of the design process for a typical project:
- Client submits CPR, noting the “due date” by which the project needs to be released publicly.
- As needed, BCM schedules a conversation to fully understand the request. Anyone who will be involved in approving the project should be present or should have his/her views and priorities for the project represented at this meeting.
- After the meeting, BCM follows up via email with an overview of the conversation and a proposed timeline that builds in time for two rounds of edits and approvals.
- Round 1: BCM delivers a draft of the project for the client’s review.
At this point, the client collects input from all parties, prioritizes edits, notes any questions, and returns it to BCM for incorporation of revisions. As needed, BCM reaches out to clarify any questions about the edits.
- Round 2: BCM delivers an updated draft of the project for the client’s review.
This second round is intended to address any smaller changes that may still be outstanding. Typically, more significant changes will have occurred in the previous round. Client returns any edits to BCM.
- BCM delivers a final product to the client and printer (as appropriate), following up after the project is completed with an optional web survey to solicit feedback.
All projects are different, of course. This design process outline is intended to represent a standard process for a typical project. In some cases, additional rounds of edits may be needed. This may in turn necessitate changes in the project timeline.
Submit a Communications Project Request (CPR)