Services Provided
Amazon Business Account
For more information, email the Contract Office at
Business Pricing
Prime Shipping (1 to 2 days)
JP Morgan Credit Card
- If your department does not have a P-Card, the card held at the College Store is the preferred method of payment. In the College Store use ONLY (online/phone orders)
- It is the responsibility of the purchaser to ensure that the vendor has Bates’ tax-exempt number on file and does not charge sales tax. Accounting or the Contract Office can provide you with the tax-exempt documentation
- PayPal account available for vendors who require that method of payment.
Local Store Credit Cards with Tax Exemption
These cards can be checked-out from the store and taken to local businesses or be used to shop online. Cards can be checked out for 24 hours. Any receipts generated by purchases using the cards are due at the time the card is returned.
- Lowe’s
- Staples
- Wal-Mart
Local Stores with Tax Exemption
Purchases can be made from the stores listed below using a J.P. Morgan credit card or any other credit card. The Contract Office will provide the Tax Exempt ID that will be required at the point of checkout.
- Home Depot
- Hobby Lobby
BJ’s Wholesale Club Membership
- The physical card only allows access to the store and isn’t a form of payment. Payment must be made with a Bates credit card or Bates check for tax exemption. Payment with a personal card doesn’t get tax exemption and must be reimbursed through the Finance Office Cashier.
Purchase Order (PO) Creation
- When requested or required by the vendor
- All purchases that are paid for with College resources must be for goods and services that further the mission and academic programs of the College.
- More information about purchase orders is available on the Accounting department page.
- To request a Purchase Order, please contact us during normal business hours. Email is preferred. Click below for the required information needed for its creation.
Required Information needed for PO Creation
- Vendor Name
- Vendor address and website (if it’s a new vendor)
- Description of item(s) being ordered
- Quote (attached to email request as a PDF) or quote number for reference
- Account(s) to be charged – Fund / Org / Budget Account (common budget accounts: 9150 teaching supplies, 9131 Office supplies, etc…)
- Lead time for delivery, if known
- Delivery address
- Advise if digital copy of PO is needed or just the PO number (note: it is much faster for us to just generate the PO number)
NOTE: Purchase Orders serve a couple of purposes — they encumber funding within the department budget so it isn’t overspent (most useful at year’s end) and it is the college’s way of saying it will pay the vendor. The Purchase Order, itself, is not a payment. When an invoice comes in referencing a purchase order, it must still be coded and signed and sent to the Accounting Office (A/P) to be paid.
Please contact and include the requested information.
WB Mason
- Preferred vendor for office supplies with negotiated rates. Request access to the online ordering tool by contacting Gail St.Pierre.
- Online ordering tool
- On-Campus delivery Monday – Friday
- Dedicated in-person sales representative, Jen Edmiston:, 888-927-2766 x5832
- Available for one-on-one instruction and training
Red Thread
- Preferred vendor for office furniture (New Office, Large Furniture) includes Design, Delivery, Installation and Customer Service follow-up
- Chairs ONLY – – Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator Bates College – Human Resources Department
Laundry by CSC
- Laundry facilities are located in each building. The use of pre-measured laundry detergent pods is highly recommended in these machines.
- Students will be able to pay for laundry through various methods: new CSC laundry card, CSCPay Mobile app, Credit or Debit card, Google Pay, or Apply Pay.
- The total cost to use a washer and dryer is $3.
- The CSCPay mobile app,, enables students to add money to an online account so students can pay with their smartphones at the laundry machines. Additional app features include monitoring the status of all machines on campus, receiving a text message when your cycle is complete, requesting service to machines, and placing a refund request.
- CSC laundry cards are still a payment option, but students will need to purchase a new one for a cost of $5. Only one new CSC machine will be available; it will be located in Commons.
- For service: Use the CSCPay Mobile App, call 1-877-264-6622 or email
- For service: Students can call 1-877-264-6622 or use this link. Students should reference the white sticker with barcode -The 3 digit number with 3 letters after it. (123-abc).
If you have any questions please contact Gail St.Pierre
St Pierre, Gail S.
College Store Director/Contract Officer
College Store
Kalperis Hall
Hours of operation and services provided by the Contract Office located inside the College Store.