Kaltura Media Assignment

The Kaltura Media Assignment activity allows you to create a dropbox for student video submissions that are embedded via Bates video streaming platrform, Kaltura. These videos can then be made available to the rest of the class, if desired, using moderation and playlists. Learn more about curating the Media Gallery here.

To Start, on your course page, click Add and Activity or Resource. Choose Kaltura Media Assignment.

Add an activity

Here, you will create a video submission dropbox. This is similar to the Assignment activity, but specifically for video. Give the Media Assignment a title, and define, at minimum, the Assignment availability, due date, and grading parameters. Save the Assignment.

Add a Kaltura Media Assignment

Once the assignment is available to students, they can click Add Media Submission to upload their video.

Add a media submission

Students will be redirected to Kaltura where they can submit their video, either by embedding an existing video or adding a new video to embed.

Add a new video

When one or more videos have been submitted, you will see a Grade Submissions button.

Grade submissions

Find the submission you would like to grade from the list of Participants. Click the Grade link.

Grading module

Click Expand All to preview the video, add a grade, and provide feedback.

Grading module

Save your changes.


The student will now see their grade in the gradebook.
