Add a Participant
Students are enrolled in Lyceum courses automatically, and faculty do not have the ability to enroll students manually by default. Instructors may, however, manually enroll other participants in their Lyceum courses. This can be another faculty member, an Assistant in Instruction (AI), a teaching assistant (TA), a Course Attached Tutor (CAT), grader or someone who is auditing the course.
To Start, from your course page, click Participants in the top navigation menu.

Click the Enrol Users button.

Start typing the the name of the individual you are adding to your course in the Select Users box. The list will populate with Bates users. If you do not see the name you’re looking for, and spelling is correct, that person is either a) already enrolled in the course, or b) does not yet have a Lyceum account.

Select the name from the drop-down list to add it to your selection. If you are enrolling multiple participants with the same role, you can choose all of them now. Then, choose your role from the Assign Role drop-down, and click Enrol Selected Users and Cohorts.

You should now see the new users on the Participants list. To change or add roles to a participant, first click the pencil next to their role on the list.

Then, choose any additional roles from the drop-down menu, or remove existing roles by clicking the X to the left of the role title. When all changes have been made, click the save icon.