Space Reservations/EMS

All spaces at Bates College belong to the college, which will allocate and assign space to best support and further the mission of the institution. Although some venues are designed for specific college purposes, that designation does not imply control or ownership of that space. Use of those spaces with special designation may require additional approval.

All requests for space must be made through the master scheduling system (EMS) at which is managed by Dining, Conferences and Campus Events. An event is not considered approved until the requestor receives an official approval from the EMS system. 

How to Request a Space

  • Determine if your event is internal or external.
    • Internal Event: more than 50% of the intended audience is from the Bates community
    • External Event: less than 50% of the intended audience is from the Bates community
  • Internal Events – Requests for use of campus facilities for internal events can only be made by current faculty or staff, student organizations and academic/administrative departments. Note that requests from student organizations must be approved by Campus Life prior to final approval by DCCE.
  • External Events – Requests for use of campus facilities for external events must either be “sponsored” by an academic/administrative department or student organization, must be arranged through the Conferences and Campus Events Office (207-786-6299) and require a least a ten working day notice- late requests will not be approved.  A representative of the sponsoring group must be present for the event. Proof of insurance will be required and a facilities fee will be applied. Note that requests from student organizations must be approved by Campus Life prior to final approval by DCCE.

EMS Guidelines

  • To ensure the space is available  for your event , place your request as early as possible. Requests for space with less than a 48 hour notice risks the possibility of not being approved. An event is not considered approved until the requestor receives an official approval from the EMS system. 
  • All non-academic (non-classroom) designated spaces are approved for use on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • All academic (classroom) designated spaces have priority use for academic scheduling until seven days after the start of the semester.
  • Once this grace period has been reached these rooms may be reserved by anyone on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Requests for semester/Short Term courses to be scheduled for the term in non-academic spaces must be vetted through the Registrar’s Office. If approved, the space requested will be scheduled on a first- come, first- served basis.
  • One-time requests to use non-academic space for an academic event do not require Registrar  approval, but must be reserved in EMS.
  • It is the responsibility of the individual/group reserving the space to ensure that the area is left as it is found. If there is damage, or if the facility is left in a condition that requires excessive cleaning, a facilities charge will be assessed.
  • Requests for technical support (audio /visual etc…) need to be made as far in advance as possible. Please reference the following sites for specific scheduling details:
  • In accordance with federal, state and local fire code, any event taking place in the following locations with an anticipated participation greater than 250, an Event Management Safety Checklist must be completed and forwarded to the Conferences and Campus Events Office, or other appropriately designated office, no less than 24 hours prior to the event. Additionally a trained Event Manager must be on site for every 250 attendees and the facility safety announcement must be read at the beginning of the event. Please contact for Event Management Safety Checklists and pre-event announcements.
    • Alumni Gym
    • Chapel
    • Chase High Ceiling
    • Gray Gym
    • Mays Center
    • Merrill Field House
    • Olin Concert Hall
    • Schaffer Theater
    • Underhill Arena
  • Tabling Requests: tabling spaces will be limited to
    • 1 table by the Fireplace Lounge (available at dinner and on weekends)
    • 2 tables in-front of Milts (available at dinner and on weekends)
  • Should there be multiple requests for the same space at the same time; priority will be given to any event having an academic mission. The Campus Scheduler will then work with the other requesters to find alternative space.
  • During the academic year, requests to use space by internal constituents take priority over external requests. Any event involving Minors (those under 18) must complete a Title 9 Compliance form the event will be approved. Please contact Gwen Lexow, Associate Vice President for Title IX and Civil Rights at
  • If you require catering for your room/space/event that you are booking in EMS, you must choose “yes” for the catering question when reserving the room. Please note: although you clicked this button, this does not submit an actual catering order. Catering requests must be submitted through
    • Requests for catering must be made five business days prior to the event. There is no guarantee that late requests can be accommodated and, if accommodated, will be charged a $150.00 late fee.
    • Catering requests which include beer/wine service must be submitted with no less than a ten working day notice. Late requests will not be approved.
    • Spaces booked for events that will include catering, cannot be booked using the EZ Form.
    • Check out the Catering Site for more information or questions.