Academic Assessment
Every successful curriculum includes careful assessment of student learning. Given the real costs of providing these data, it is important to ensure that assessment is meaningful and useful. Assessment occurs at the institution-level, within departments and programs, and at the course level. The college uses both direct and indirect assessment at each level to evaluate student learning outcomes. The college is also committed to assessing new initiatives, such as Purposeful Work or Short Term innovation courses. At the institution-level, students complete both first year and senior surveys annually. These data are made available to department and program chairs. Further, each department and program has developed goals and objectives for their students, and specific student learning outcomes are evaluated and compared over time. All course syllabi include measurable outcomes at the course level, and these are assessed during the evaluation of student work. Finally, departments and programs are reviewed every decade, and typically gather data from alumni and other sources as part of an in-depth self-study produced for the review.