Board of Examiners
Charge of the Board: A board of four persons, all tenured members of the faculty, shall be elected for three-year, overlapping terms to serve as examiners of all written materials presented to the Faculty Personnel Committee or the Committee on Personnel for Physical Education. The individual examiners function independently of one another and of the committees on personnel, and they may not serve concurrently on that committee. An examiner may not examine dossiers of department or program colleagues. Candidates for reappointment, tenure, or promotion may select any one of these four individuals to perform the following functions:
- a) To offer counsel to the candidate concerning the submission of written materials on that person’s own behalf.
- b) To check the dossier prepared for the committees on personnel, prior to its consultation by the committee, for completeness and correctness; see Article III, Sections 5 and 6, Article IV, and Article VI, Section 2.
- c) To state in writing to the dean of the faculty and the committees on personnel when the dossier seems both complete and correct.
- d) To advise the dean of the faculty of any incompleteness, so that it may be remedied prior to consultation by the committee, and to recheck for completeness thereafter, notifying the dean and the candidate in writing of any remaining incompleteness.
- e) To advise the dean of the faculty of any material deemed “improper” by the criteria of Article III, Sections 5 and 6, and to request in writing that the dean remove it before consideration by the committee. If the dean declines, the examiner may request in writing, stating grounds, that the committee not consider the questionable material. The examiner must also inform the candidate in writing of the fact of any such request to the committee.
- f) To advise the dean of the faculty of any material suggesting the need for further clarification or response from the candidate. If the dean declines, the examiner may proceed as in Article I, Section 7(e).
- g) To maintain confidentiality according to the provisions of Article I, Section 5 above, subject only to the qualifications explicit in this Section 7.
- h) To check for completeness and correctness of the dossier and other material (with the exception of the minutes of the faculty committees on personnel) submitted to the Trustee Review Committee in case a candidate appeals a personnel decision.
Composition: Four tenured members of the faculty, elected for three-year, overlapping terms, as stipulated in Article III, Section 6 of the Rules and Procedures in the Faculty Handbook..
Board Members:
- Emily Kane (2024-2026)
- Stephanie Prigeon (2024-2027)
- Kirk Read (2022-2025)
- Caroline Shaw (2023-2026)