Chairs Data

Data Submission

  • 3 Year Plan: The AAC is requiring a 3 year plan as part of its line allocation process. Different from the 3 year plan of leaves, this instrument is meant to help you with curricular and faculty resource planning. Download a blank 3YP here.

Online Data Reports

  • The Teaching Planning Tool (TPT) is a data report that is available to Bates faculty. The report gives details about  departments and programs as well as faculty workload within a given academic unit. You must be on campus or connected to the campus computer network to view the TPT.
  • Enrollment and Majors data for the academic units at the college is available from this report. The AAC uses these data along with other information to make resource allocation decisions. You must be on campus or connected to the campus computer network to view the report.

Other Data Sources

  • For departments with more than 5 majors in a given year, Institutional Research can prepare a report that summarizes the responses of their graduating majors on the senior survey.