Curriculum Review Committee (CRC)

Charge of the Committee: The committee is responsible for reviewing and approving new course proposals and their designation within the curricular requirements (including first-year seminar proposals, Practitioner-Taught Short Terms, Mode-of-Inquiry tags, W1/W2 tags, and other General Education tags) within the structure of established educational policy and practice, and reporting these to the faculty in writing once per semester. The CRC is also charged with the maintenance of the General Education Concentrations (GECs), including but not limited to: identifying GEC coordinators, recommendations to the Academic Affairs Council about GECs. The committee also reviews and approves class examination schedules, as presented to the committee by the Registrar. The committee certifies courses for annual publication in the College Catalog. The committee reviews, vets and approves, as appropriate, proposals for Interdisciplinary Studies majors. The committee is generally responsible for oversight of implementation of general education and consults and meets with the Academic Affairs Council every semester to discuss matters of mutual interest, including decisions about enrollment limits, registration processes, and curricular management and oversight. Courses tagged W1 or W2 (including all FYS courses) are also reviewed, vetted, and approved, as appropriate, by the Writing Committee.

Composition: The registrar, ex officio; member of the information and library services staff, ex officio; four faculty elected by vote of the faculty, one from each of the divisions the faculty; two students.

Committee Members:

  • Ryan Cole, for the Natural Sciences (2024-2027)
  • Mike Dacey, for the Humanities (2023-2027) (Chair)
  • Steve Engel (ex officio)
  • Michael Hanrahan (ex officio)
  • Allison Kisel (ex officio)
  • Barry Lawson, for the Interdisciplinary Studies (2024-2026)
  • Amanda Lindsay, for the Social Sciences (2024-2028)
  • Megan McHenry (ex officio)