Committee on Faculty Governance (CFG)

Charge of the Committee:

There shall be a Committee on Faculty Governance composed of eight faculty members representing all divisions. Such faculty will have at least three years of service at the College. The members of the committee shall be elected by a vote of the faculty. For purposes of fulfilling Article V, Section 2.g), the committee may consult with such staff as are needed. The president and the dean of the faculty shall serve as ex officio members of the committee. They shall be ex officio members of any subcommittee of the committee where specified in legislation or by resolution of the committee.

Responsibilities of the Committee on Faculty Governance shall be to:

1) Appoint faculty to all non-elected faculty committee seats for standing committees designated in Article V.

2) Designate the chairs of all faculty committees appointed by the Committee on Faculty Governance, except the Academic Affairs Council, which shall be chaired by the dean of the faculty.

3) Prepare the slate of candidates for elected faculty committees and boards for action by the faculty. Slates shall be prepared in accordance with the rules for eligibility defined in Article V. The dean of the faculty and president may take on advisory roles by invitation from the committee.

4) Review all legislation proposed by committees or other faculty members and determine disposition of the proposal in accord with Article IV, Sections 2, 3, and 4. Meet at least twice each year with the designated committee of the Board of Trustees to discuss matters of mutual concern.

5) Consult with and advise the president on any matters of concern to the faculty, and on matters of short- and long-range planning. The committee may also respond to questions or ideas raised by the president, and to proposed policies before they are adopted.

6) Consult with the dean of the faculty on matters of concern to faculty.

7) Consult with the division chairs on matters of concern to faculty.

8) Respond to questions and concerns from faculty about matters of governance generally. The committee may designate such subcommittees as appropriate in fulfilling its responsibilities.

Composition: Eight faculty members representing all divisions. Such faculty will have at least three years of service at the College. The members of the committee shall be elected by a vote of the faculty. The president and the dean of the faculty shall serve as ex officio members of the committee. 

Committee Members:

  • Lauren Ashwell (2022-2026)
  • Joseph Hall (2023-2027)
  • Rebecca Herzig (2022-2026)
  • Malcolm Hill (ex officio)
  • Brett Huggett (2022-2026)
  • Garry W. Jenkins (ex officio)
  • Marcelle Medford (2021-2025) (Co-Chair)
  • Lillian Nayder (2024-2028)
  • Colleen O’Loughlin (2023-2027) (Co-Chair)
  • Anelise Shrout (2023-2027)

Agendas and Minutes

Elections & Appointments – Committee Vacancies for 2024-2025

Committee Interest Survey

Legislation Template

Faculty Meeting Attendance – Student Sign-Up

Per the Faculty Handbook, up to three students may sign-up prior to a faculty meeting. Meeting dates may be found on the Sign-Up form. In 2023-2024, faculty meetings begin at 4:15pm in Memorial Commons, Chase Hall. Students are non-voting observers, and no video recording of the proceedings is allowed.