Current Faculty Job Postings
This page lists all the currently open faculty jobs at Bates College. For information on staff positions at Bates, please see the listings on the Human Resources website.
Professor of Africana (R2320) The Program in Africana and the Program in Digital & Computational Studies (DCS) at Bates College together invite applications for an open-rank tenure-line position, to be appointed in Africana, beginning August 2025.
Assistant Professor of Anthropology (R2317) The Anthropology Department at Bates College invites applications for a full-time, tenure track position in Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning in August 2025. We seek an outstanding early-career scholar with strong commitments to excellent undergraduate teaching and mentorship in a liberal arts context. A PhD in anthropology or related field (with an active ethnographic research program) must be in hand before beginning the job in August 2025.
Assistant Professor of Classical and Medieval Studies and Rhetoric, Film, and Screen Studies (R2315) The Program in Classical and Medieval Studies, in conjunction with the Department of Rhetoric, Film, and Screen Studies, seeks a tenure-track colleague in ancient Greek cultures and literatures, covering any span from the Archaic to Hellenistic periods (800 BCE – 200 CE). This position begins in August 2025.
Assistant Professor of Earth and Climate Sciences (R2319) The Department of Earth and Climate Sciences at Bates College invites applications for a full time, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Earth Materials to begin August 1, 2025. We seek an outstanding scholar with strong commitments to excellent undergraduate teaching and mentorship in a liberal arts context. The successful candidate will have expertise in a field of solid earth geoscience, including, but not limited to: igneous or metamorphic petrology, high-temperature geochemistry, mineralogy, tectonics, geomechanics, volcanology, mineral exploration, or planetary geology.
Assistant Professor of Earth and Climate Sciences and Physics (R2322) The Bates College Department of Earth and Climate Sciences (EACS) and the Department of Physics & Astronomy (P&A) invite applications for a jointly-appointed, tenure-track Assistant Professor in Climate Science to begin August 1, 2025. The new faculty member will be expected to teach at the intersection of EACS and P&A and will have expertise in the computational analysis of one or more components of the climate system.
Professor(s) of Physics (R2314) The Bates College Department of Physics and Astronomy invites applications for two tenure-track positions starting in August 2025: one in solar or solar-terrestrial physics (broadly defined within the context of geospace science), and one in any subfield of physics or astronomy.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology (R2328) Bates College, a private, highly selective, residential college in Lewiston, Maine is devoted to undergraduate study in the liberal arts. The Department of Biology invites applications for a one-year full time Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology, beginning July 1, 2025. Ph.D. is required by the start date. The department would be interested in a wide-range of candidates who specialize in marine science and marine biology at the system, ecosystem, or population-level.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry (R2327) The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Bates College, a private, highly selective liberal arts college in Maine, invites applications for two Visiting Assistant Professor positions to begin July 1, 2025. The positions each carry a five-course annual teaching load including general chemistry (lecture and lab) and biochemistry (lecture and lab) (course descriptions can be found here).
Visiting Assistant Professor of Education (R2329) The Education Department at Bates College invites applications for a one-year, full-time visiting assistant professor of education, from July 2025 to June 2026. We seek an outstanding undergraduate teacher with demonstrated expertise in the field of education. Areas of specialty are open, but could include: race and education, education policy, gender and/or sexuality in education, STEM education, English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners, early/elementary education, secondary teacher education, education law, and/or educational technology.
Visiting Assistant Professor of English (R2331) The Department of English at Bates College invites applications for a one-year Visiting Assistant Professor in Early Modern Literature to begin July 1, 2025. The successful candidate will teach five courses over the 2025-2026 academic year, including two introductory classes.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies (R2326) The Program in Environmental Studies (ES) at Bates College seeks to hire a one-year, full-time, Visiting Assistant Professor in environmental field science to begin July 1, 2025. We are looking for a person who works in an area of applied environmental science.
Visiting Assistant Professor of History (R2332) The Bates College Department of History invites applications for a one-year, full-time Visiting Assistant Professor of History with a specialization in the history of China, beginning July 1, 2025.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Japanese (R2323) The Program in Asian Studies at Bates College invites applications for a two-year position at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor in Japanese (or Visiting Instructor depending on terminal degree), beginning July, 2025, and ending in June, 2027. We are looking for applicants with expertise in teaching Japanese language at all levels.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology (R2325) The Bates College Sociology Department invites applications for a three-year Visiting Assistant Professor position to begin July, 2025. We welcome applications from scholars with areas of specialization in sociological criminology and the sociology of crime and justice.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology (R2324) The Bates College Sociology Department invites applications for a one year Visiting Assistant Professor position beginning July, 2025. We welcome applications from scholars with areas of specialization in sociology of immigration and/or urban sociology, with attention to racially marginalized communities. The ideal candidate will cross-list at least two of their courses with the Program in Africana.