DOF Support for Remote Teaching
Revised Academic Schedule for 2019 / 2020
Changes to Winter Semester:
- March 16 – March 20: Classes suspended while students move and faculty prepare to teach remotely.
- March 23: Winter classes resume via remote instruction
- April 17: Winter semester classes end
- April 19 – April 26: Spring recess
- April 27 – May 2: Final Examinations
Changes to Honors Thesis:
- April 1: Honors theses due
- Thesis Defense: Deadlines extended as needed
- May 15: Corrections due
Short Term:
- Based on the advice of public health officials and the uncertainty regarding the duration and further progression of COVID-19, we do not plan to reconvene the college for an on-campus Short Term.
For more dates, see the DOF consolidated calendar.
DOF In-person Support
Live Video Chat with the Deans: Each day from March 16 – March 20 the Deans will hold virtual office hours. The office hours will be from x to y every day. To “go” to these office hours, click this link.
Schedule an individual appointment. During the week of March 16 – March 20 the Deans are available for individual consultation regarding the transition of classes to remote teaching. Please sign up here if you would like a meeting.
Faculty Development for Remote Teaching
Panel on Changing your Syllabus:
With Andi Alford, Áslaug Ásgeirsdóttir, Bridget Fullerton, Margaret Imber, Dan Sanford, Stephanie Wade,
- March 16: 2:00 – 3:30 pm Commons 226 (Register)
Designing Assignments for Remote Teaching
The Writing@Bates staff
In this workshop, we’ll discuss strategies for creating interesting & engaging assignments and activities, leveraging simple technologies that Bates supports and that students are likely to already be familiar with.
- Tuesday, March 17. 2:00 pm (Register; Zoom)
- Wednesday, March 18. 11:00 am (Register; Zoom)
- Thursday, March 18. 11:00 am (Register; Zoom)
- Friday, March 20. 2:00 pm (Register; Zoom)
ILS Training:
ILS has organized training sessions and workshops on a webpage with Bates focused resources and tools for remote teaching.
Bates Resources
Guiding Principles for Remote Teaching: Advice and resources related to transitioning to remote teaching from the Deans and campus experts.
ILS remote teaching page: ILS has created a web page with resources for students, faculty, and staff regarding remote teaching.
Academic Resource Commons: The ARC has helpful resources and expertise related to remote teaching.
Accessible Education: The office of Accessible Education has useful materials that will help you think about accessibility for remote teaching.
Community Document from the AAC: The AAC and the Faculty are developing a document with resources for faculty.
Remote Learning Assessment Resources page from Institutional Research.
May a recording that includes student participation be posted for other class members to view or listen to?
Yes. If access is limited to other students in the class, FERPA does not limit or prevent its use and does not require obtaining a written consent. This allows instructors to create access for students in the class to watch or re-watch past class sessions.
What is the easiest way to comply with FERPA if I am video recording my class sessions and students will be asking questions, doing presentations, or appearing on camera?
If access is limited: to other students in the class, FERPA does not limit or prevent its use and does not require obtaining a written consent. This allows instructors to create access for students in the class to watch or re-watch past class sessions.
If access will not be limited: to students in the class, plan the recordings accordingly. Make sure not to show students who are asking questions and don’t refer to the students by name. Avoid repeating the student’s name in the recording (de-identifying the students removes the need for a specific consent from each student depicted). If a student happens to appear on camera, their identity can be edited out or a written consent can be obtained.