Faculty Secretary

Charge: The president shall appoint the secretary of the faculty whose duty it shall be to compile and maintain a complete file of the minutes of faculty meetings. The secretary shall also keep on file in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty copies of all faculty minutes and a record of attendance. In recording the minutes of the meeting, the Secretary shall make note of all motions and amendments, and the names of those who present them. The minutes shall also record all votes. In addition, the minutes shall summarize briefly the main topics of discussion, including central considerations for and against the motion or amendment at hand. These summaries shall not include the names of contributors, but may include reference to the speaker’s position—e.g. Registrar, Dean of the Faculty—if relevant to the topic. Direct quotations are to be avoided. Minutes also briefly characterize the topic of each information report, and substantive questions or comments raised following these reports. Discretion over the interpretation of these stipulations rests with the appointed Secretary. Faculty maintain their power to offer amendments or corrections to address errors of fact in the circulated minutes during the standard approval process at the next faculty meeting.

Faculty Secretary:   Keiko Konoeda