Judicial Educators

Role of Judicial Educators:

The Judicial Educators serve as resource persons, not currently associated  with the SCC or the Office of Student Support and Community Standards, who are available to explain the disciplinary procedures of the College. Ordinarily, the Co-Chairs of the Student Conduct Committee shall recommend and the President appoint two former members of the Committee to serve as Judicial Educators for each academic year.

While the Judicial Officer may provide the student with an initial outline of the disciplinary process during the investigation, any student or faculty person involved in a conduct case (including witnesses and advisors) may make use of a Judicial Educator to answer questions about the College’s conduct procedures.

The Judicial Educators are available to students even before an investigation is begun by the Deans. For example, a student who has a grievance against another student may wish to speak with a Judicial Educator to learn what options are available for pursuing the matter on campus. When a charge is brought, the respondent (and the complainant in cases alleging Actions Against Persons) should be encouraged by the Deans to meet with a Judicial Educator, but such a meeting is not mandatory.

Composition: Two members of the faculty, chosen from among former members of the Student Conduct Committee.

Judicial Educators:

  • Su Langdon
  • Trian Nguyen