Sabbaticals and Leaves

Bates values faculty who are highly effective educators, active scholars and artists, and engaged participants in the shared governance of the institution. In that context, the pre-tenure leaves and sabbaticals are intended to strengthen the faculty of the college by providing time for scholarship or other professional development. Each pre-tenure leave or sabbatical has a direct impact on the future of Bates, and each faculty member granted such a leave is expected to return to the college.

Members of the faculty are expected to continue their professional development through participation in scholarly organizations, research or artistic production, publication or other professional writing, or other professional activity appropriate to their disciplines. Annual reports of such development are made to the dean of the faculty, and become documents in the deliberations of the committees on personnel. The college provides support for faculty professional activities through the programs cited below. These programs are contingent upon the financial resources of the college. Faculty members who have questions or concerns about professional development opportunities should consult with the dean of the faculty.

Application Deadline

Applications for pre-tenure leaves, sabbatical leaves, and unpaid leaves for professional development are due annually on 1 September of the academic year prior to the leave. We recognize that circumstances surrounding unpaid leave requests for non-professional reasons can be harder to foresee, but please contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty as early as possible in your contemplation of such a request. Use this form to submit your sabbatical / leave request.

Pre-Tenure Leave

Pre-tenure leaves support specific scholarly or creative work or other professional development for an assistant professor on the tenure track. 

Sabbatical Leave

Sabbaticals provide time for scholarship or other professional development for tenure track faculty and for Lecturers and Senior Lecturers who hold Lectureship positions at the college.

Unpaid Leave of Absence

Faculty members interested in requesting an unpaid leave of absence should contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty.