Declaring a Major

There are three necessary steps for declaring the Economics major:

1. On Garnet Gateway, declare your intention to major in Economics.

2. Complete the Economics Major Declaration Survey. You must be logged onto your Bates email account in order for the form to work correctly. This form asks you to provide a detailed plan for completing the major. Either the Department Chair or Associate Chair will review your form. If your plan appears sound, they will contact you to 1) assign you an academic advisor, and 2) offer you an optional meeting to address any questions or concern. The Department Chair or Associate Chair will also contact you if they have any concerns about your plan.

Your academic advisor is a contact person in the department for you to discuss questions or concerns with. While we do take your preferences into account when assisting academic advisors, this is balanced against evening out the advising load across the Economic faculty. Some faculty will not be available because of full advising loads or scheduled leaves for the College. Your academic advisor is distinct from your eventual thesis advisor.

3. Contact your academic advisor to complete the process.