Economics Archives
On Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Eliminating Currency
On February 26, 2018 at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G21, “On Measuring the Costs and Benefits of Eliminating Currency: A Preliminary Analysis”…
Capital Controls and Foreign Exchange Market Intervention
On January 31, 2018, Wednesday, at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G21, “Capital Controls and Foreign Exchange Market Intervention” was presented…
Job Separation Risk and Home Ownership
On November 28, 2017, Tuesday, at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G65, “Job Separation Risk and Home Ownership: Evidence from Assistant Professors” was…
Tools for Teaching
On January 18, 2018, Thursday, at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G21, “Tools for Teaching: Leveraging Technology to Improve Classroom Content…
What Do Good Managers Do?
On December 5, 2017, Tuesday, at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G65, Samarth Gupta, an Economics PhD Candidate from Boston University…
Risk, Uncertainty, and Financial Frictions
On November 10, 2016 at 4:15 in Pettengill G21, Richard Higgins from Colgate University presented a lecture on the role…
Labor Market Polarization in Britain and Germany
On November 7, 2017, Tuesday at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G65, “Labor Market Polarization in Britain and Germany: A Cross-National Comparison Using…
Fission, Forking and Fine Tuning
On November 1, 2017, Wednesday, at 4:15 pm in Pettengill G65, “Fission, Forking and Fine Tuning: What kinds of organizational structures promote…
Free Primary Education, Fertility, and Women’s Access to the Labor Market
On April 29, 2017, during the Maine Economics Conference was held at Colby College. Luke Chicoine represented Bates College and…
Nonlinearities in Financial Development
Peter Pedroni, Professor of Economics from Williams College presented his talk on “Nonlinearities in Financial Development: The Good, the Bad…