Respiratory Protection

The purpose of the Bates College Respiratory Protection Program is to ensure the health and safety of all College employees and students who have the potential to be exposed to hazardous airborne contaminants or oxygen deficient atmospheres that may cause injury or illness to the person during the course of their employment or research at Bates College. EHS primary goal is to minimize personal exposure to known hazards through implementation of engineering controls (i.e., local exhaust ventilation, material substitution) and administrative controls (i.e., modification of work practices and procedures). Respiratory protection and other necessary personal protective equipment must be used when these controls are not feasible, are in the process of being implemented, or do not control the atmospheric concentrations of the contaminant below PELs. When respirators are used as specified, they can prevent fatalities and illnesses from both acute and chronic exposure to hazardous substances. The implementation of this Respiratory Protection Program fulfills the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134.

This program applies to all work performed by Bates College employees where respiratory protection is used regardless of worksite location. Contractors performing work on campus shall comply with all program elements. In addition, any employee who chooses to wear a tight-fitting respirator when a respirator is not required (e.g., a voluntary user), is subject to Appendix D from OSHA’s Respiratory Standard.  


Respirator User

Respirator users are responsible for wearing respiratory protection when required and as instructed during fit testing and/or training. Respirator users must also:

  • Complete a respirator medical evaluation questionnaire, attend training and a fit testing session with a certified occupational health specialist
  • Care and maintain their respirator as instructed and store it in a clean and sanitary location;
  • Use only the brand and type of respirator for which the user was trained and fit tested;
  • Inform their supervisor if the respirator no longer fits properly or if there are any problems related to the use of the respirator
  • Inform their supervisor of any respiratory hazard that they feel is not adequately addressed in the workplace

Supervisors, Managers, and Principal Investigators

Supervisors, Managers, and Principal Investigators, in consultation with EHS, are responsible for:

  • Identifying respirator hazards that may affect their employees and students
  • Contacting EHS to request an evaluation of potential exposure risks;
  • Assuring that all employees and students using respirators adhere to the following guidelines;
  • Assuring that respirators are used.


EHS will:

  • Write, evaluate, and update the written Respiratory Protection Program;
  • Consult with respirator users and supervisors on technical issues related to respiratory protection;
  • Coordinate with EHS staff and Concentra to implement the administration of the medical surveillance program requirements;
  • Provide assistance and regulatory guidance to Academic Departments, Organizational Units, and Supervisors and Respirator Users upon request.

Respirator Uses


Respirable crystalline silica, or silica dust, is generated by cutting, grinding, drilling, or crushing stone and rocks; drywall and plaster can also produce silica dust. Inhaling the dust can lead to a range of respiratory problems, including shortness of breath, chest pains, difficulty breathing, silicosis, and even lung cancer. Employees involved in this type of work can request EHS to use personal sampling pumps to record the amount of silica in what’s known as the breathing zone, the area around the person’s nose and mouth. EHS will hire an industrial hygienist to collect and analyze the samples, and provide the report to the affected employee.


Respirators for use in areas where biohazards are used or stored must be selected based on a review of the biohazardous agent, workstation design, standard operating procedures and protocols. The Bates Biosafety Officer will determine the appropriate biosafety levels for laboratories and will work with the Industrial Hygienists to determine the corresponding level of respiratory protection required.

Animal Handlers

Although airborne exposures to dusts derived from animals are not currently regulated to protect workers from developing allergic problems, there is a large body of evidence that handling animals can induce respiratory health problems such as asthma, allergic reactions and sensitizations. It is the goal of Bates College to prevent such occurrences and educate the employees about the available controls and personal protective equipment. Enrollment in the Respiratory Protection Program is available for any employee who chooses to wear a tight-fitting respirator in order to perform their job duties.

Immediate Danger to Life and Health (IDLH)

If Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) contaminant levels are known or suspected at any time, the area must be vacated and EHS must be notified immediately. IDLH means an atmosphere that poses an immediate threat to life, would cause irreversible adverse health effects, or would impair an individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere. No Bates College employee is permitted to enter in a space that might contain an IDLH situation unless additional training in the use of an SCBA or air-line respirator has been completed and an appropriate trained rescue team is standing by. If the area is a confined space, the atmosphere must be deemed safe before anyone can enter. The employee must have knowledge of confined spaces hazards, controls and work practices.

Selection Procedures

EHS can select appropriate respiratory protection in accordance with applicable regulations and/or based on the industrial hygienist report. This report, completed by either the certified industrial hygienist, may be used in conjunction with EHS observation of worker job tasks and/or personal monitoring to identify respiratory hazards of concern. After the hazard evaluation and/or report, EHS will recommend the type of respirator and cartridges to be used and discuss different options with the supervisor and the respirator user.

All respirators worn by Bates College employees and students must be certified by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and must be used in accordance with the recommendations outlined by EHS. All filters, cartridges and canisters must be labeled with the appropriate NIOSH approval label that must not be removed or defaced at any time while the respirator is in use. Interchanging of respirator parts (valves, cartridges, air tubes or hoses, etc.) is not permitted and voids the NIOSH certification for a given respirator.

Respirator Types

There are two primary types of respirators available: air-purifying respirators and air supplying respirators.

Air-Purifying Respirators

Air-purifying respirators can be used when it is necessary to remove particulates and/or vapor and gas contaminants from the air and their concentration is within the maximum use concentration (MUC) of that respirator as determined by EHS. For non-infectious bio-aerosols (bacteria, molds, allergens) and infectious bio-aerosols (viruses, pathogenic bacteria), respirator selection will be determined on a case by case basis.

Air-purifying respirators are not effective in oxygen deficient atmospheres or in atmospheres that are Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH), and must not be used in these environments. It is also important to note that there are some chemicals in the gaseous or vapor form for which no cartridge offers sufficient protection. Therefore, always consult with EHS before deciding on the type of respiratory protection needed.

Air Supplying Respirators

Air supplying respirators provide the user with respirable air drawn from a separate source, typically a cylinder. These respirators may be used to provide protection in an oxygen deficient atmosphere and/or in a highly toxic atmosphere where air purifying respirators would not be sufficient for reducing the levels of personal exposure. There are two types of air supplying respirators: Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) and a Supplied-Air Respirator (SAR). Specialized training is required before any Bates College employee is permitted to use these types of respirator. Training must be provided by a contractor certified to teach donning, doffing and use of SARs.

Respirator Fit Testing

Fit testing is required for all employees wearing a tight fitting respirator. A certified occupation health specialist will conduct the fit test offsite. The fit test is to be conducted before an employee needs to wear a respirator for a specific task/job, whenever a different facepiece is used, when there are changes in the employee’s physical condition that might affect the respirator fit, and annually thereafter.

Each employee will be fit tested with the make, model and size of the respirator that they will actually wear. Employees will be given the opportunity to choose the most comfortable facepiece from a number of manufacturers and are required to bring in the respirator they use at the time of fit test. For employees that are new to the Respiratory Protection Program, a respirator can be selected at the time of their initial appointment with EHS.

Facepiece Seal Protection

At Bates College, employees are prohibited from wearing a tight fitting respirator if:

  • facial hair comes between the sealing surface of the facepiece and the face, or interfere with proper inhalation or exhalation valve function;
  • absence of dentures, facial changes (scars, deep skin creases, etc) or use of jewelry or headgear that projects under the facepiece seal prevent achieving a proper seal.

A user seal check must be performed each time the respirator is put on, and prior to entering a contaminated area or starting a job that requires respiratory protection. The seal check procedure has two parts: a positive pressure and a negative pressure test. A respirator must pass both checks to function properly and fulfill its purpose.

Maintenance, Care, and Storage

All parts of the respirator must be carefully inspected before each use and during cleaning using the following checklist:

  • facepiece: check for cracks, tears, holes, mask distortion, cracked or loose faceshield;
  • head straps: check for breaks, tears or broken buckles;
  • valves: check for residue or dirt, cracks, tears, valves stuck or folded open;

Defective respirators must be taken out of service immediately and brought to EHS for inspection and replacement.

EHS strongly recommend that respirators are cleaned after each use.

Respirators must be stored in a closed container such as a zip lock bag, and away from direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive moisture, dust and chemicals. The original form of the facepiece must not be distorted through storage.

Medical Evaluation

A medical evaluation should be completed for all employees enrolled in the Respiratory Protection Program. This evaluation begins with the completion of a Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire. The information used to assist EHS in determining the employee’s ability to use a respirator. The questionnaire will provide information about the employee’s past respirator use, physical effort required for job tasks, and pertinent medical history. The questionnaire is administered at the time of the employee’s initial visit scheduled by EHS and is evaluated by the college’s occupational health physician or other licensed health care professional. The form can also be obtained on line and completed in advance to expedite the enrollment process.

Appendix D

Bates College faculty, staff and students who wish to use a respirator on a voluntary basis may do so with the approval of EHS. The status of voluntary user changes the type of administrative and medical services that would otherwise be provided to a non-voluntary user.

Voluntary users who are employees who wear a tight-fitting respirator are still required to complete a Respiratory Medical Evaluation Questionnaire (RQ) and be fit tested. The RQ can be completed at the time of your fit test by the licensed occupational health professional. Those persons who wear a filtering facepiece respirator (e.g. N95 or similar) do not need to be medically cleared or fit tested. All voluntary users must review OSHA Appendix D to 29 CFR 1910.134