Medical Evaluations
Bates College reserves the right to require health evaluations of employees as necessary to the safe performance of work.
Pre-placement (post-offer) evaluations are valid, job-specific evaluations of the abilities of the conditionally hired employee to perform the essential functions of the job safely and efficiently, and are compliant with ADA guidelines. A standardized evaluation protocol is used based on job descriptions provided by the employer. This service can help reduce injuries by determining if an employee is capable of performing the job he/she was hired for in a safe and efficient manner over a period of time. The screening can also help determine whether or not any type of accommodation may be needed to reduce risk of future injury. See section, 210 Job Placement Assessments for more information.
A return-to-work evaluation involves a comprehensive examination of the musculoskeletal system, which includes a basic neurological assessment, directed toward determining the worker’s ability to return to his/her job. Specific functional capabilities, e.g., lifting and other material handling techniques are tested based on job-specific needs. The results of this examination determine the employee’s ability to return to work safely with or without accommodations. This evaluation will normally be utilized for return to work after absence from work for any injury/illness reason (workers’ compensation, short or long term disability) or other leave or period of absence.
Fit for duty evaluations of incumbent employees may be conducted in order to determine physical or mental/psychological ability to perform ongoing job tasks and a motivating stimulus for employees to take responsibility for their own health. It identifies health changes that place the worker at increased risk for injury or illness. Employees may be tested for cardiovascular status, body fat/lean mass ratio, flexibility, strength, and coordination, or other physiological or psychological tests. A copy of the examination results will be provided to the employee and the College by the physician performing the evaluation.
Source: Section 704, Bates College Employee Handbook.
For questions regarding Medical Evaluations, please contact:
Environmental Health & Safety Director at 786-8226 or