Major Requirements

The major in European studies consists of ten courses plus a thesis. The courses are distributed as follows:

1) Foundation Courses. Two foundation courses:
a) EUS 101. Introduction to Europe
b) One course on the history of modern Europe (HIST 104. Europe, 1789 to the Present, or equivalent)

2) Languages and Cultures. One of the following sequences:
Option A: Four courses above the 100 level in French, German, Russian, or Spanish
Option B: Two courses above the 100 level in two of the following languages: French, German, Russian, and Spanish.

3) Electives. Three elective courses, taken in at least two different disciplines, on topics related to European culture, politics, society, and economics. One of the three courses may be a short term.

4) Seminar and Thesis.
a) one 300-level seminar taken at Bates on topics related to European culture, politics, society, and economics.

b) EUS 457, 458. Senior Thesis.

Please see the Bates College Catalog for current lists of electives and seminars that count for the EUS Major.

Double Majors

Students who are double majors in European studies and French, German, Russian, or Spanish must complete at least seven distinct courses (plus the thesis) that count toward the European studies major.

Study Abroad

Studying abroad in Europe is encouraged but not required to complete the major. Up to four courses from approved study-abroad programs may be counted toward the language or elective courses with the approval of the program chair.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

Students may count either one 100- or 200-level elective or one 200-level language course taken pass/fail toward the major.