Carl R. Schwinn

Professor Emeritus of Economics



31 Frye Street, Room 117


Schwinn received his BA from the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and Ph.D. in economics from Cornell University. His areas of interest and teaching are in industrial organization, antitrust and regulation, corporate finance, statistics, econometrics, and democratically managed firms.

Schwinn served as a staff economist for two years at the Federal Trade Commission in Washington and served as chair of the Maine Milk Commission. He has been an expert witness in cases involving antitrust and regulatory issues. His research interests are in the area of corporate governance and valuation, and the intersection of industrial organization and corporate finance.

Ph.D. in Economics, Cornell University
B.A. in Economics, University of Wisconsin

Fields of interest:
Industrial Organization, Antitrust and Regulation, Corporate Finance, Statistics, Econometrics, and Democratically Managed Firms.

Selected publications:
Schwinn, Carl R., The Measurement of Returns in Tests of the CAPM (July 27, 2010). Social Science Research Network.

Schwinn, Carl R.. The Predictable and Misleading Consequences When Using Periodic Returns in Traditional Tests of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (December 21, 2006). Social Science Research Network.