Summer Resources Lyceum Page

The Summer Resources Lyceum Page contains time-released resources for students over June, July, and August prior to On-Campus New Student Orientation. They are housed on the student’s Lyceum, and they are organized into different categories: 1) Welcome and Values, 2) Fall Course Registration: Exploring Liberal Arts and Academic Opportunities, 3) Bates’s History, Mission, and On-Going Commitments to Equity and Inclusion, 4) Community Expectations, Resources, and Supports (2 sections), and 5) Last Minute Information Before Arrival.

Students will receive emails to their Bates email accounts starting in June with instructions on how to engage each section of their Summer Resources.

Students should engage with these resources throughout the summer prior to their arrival to campus in late August.

To access Lyceum, simply go to and click on Lyceum. Then enter your username and password. If you have questions, email